• Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to Ruin Gaming. If you would like to join submit an application. You may also join us in TS, Password: Ruinous



Ruin Gaming was founded during the Warhammer Online beta by members of the Age of Conan and World of Warcraft guild Order of the Ancients. Our member base includes members with world first boss kills in Warhammer Online and the leaders in their respective pvp brackets in World of Warcraft.



To seek out dominant guilds and destroy them. To find the most challenging opposition and achieve total, un-contested victory through whatever means necessary. Ruin will humble the arrogant, put the claims of elite organizations to the test. Ruin will seek out natural leaders and provide them with the means to challenge the established order in any game we play. Action, not words, will establish your worth.

Ruin will raise an army of dedicated, disciplined players who share our passion for competitive play. Ruin exists to provide an arena in which all members can improve themselves and our organization. Ruin members will obtain the rewards that each game offers in a way that honors the extent of their contribution to their fellow guild members.

We will achieve these results without needless elitism. Ruin will always welcome the new player, and train them to take on the best. This is our greatest strength. All members of Ruin have a responsibility to themselves and their fellow members to improve their game-play and to pass on what they have learned.




Great guilds are built through the dedication of its members. All players are expected to demonstrate competency in all aspects of their play. PvP and PvE ability are expected. Guild resources are provided in order to ensure that access to critical information is readily available.

Personal initiative is expected, research anything and everything you can about your class. Take advantage of our expansive guild member base to learn from those demonstrating understanding of current game-play mechanics.


Siege Calls and PvP:

PVP – Because we have a number of players that enjoy competitive play, we encourage anything PVP related. We as a guild understand that the better PVP player you are, that leads to a much better PVE player. Look around at the best PVE players you know. Chances are they excel at PVP as well. PVP makes you better aware of your surroundings, your survivability, and makes your reaction time that much greater.

Siege Calls are issued during periods of substantial enemy activity, such as For the Horde Raids or during our For the Alliance campaigns. We expect members who are not engaged in scheduled raiding to participate during General Siege Calls and otherwise come out to participate. During periods of extraordinary server wide fights we will issue Mandatory Siege Calls so that everyone can experience these rare, large scale battles. Ruinous intends to continue the Warhammer tradition of Open World Realm Versus Realm combat in all games that we play.


Ruin is a progression guild, with a primary focus on PvP and a significant interest in raiding. We are a large, multi-gaming community currently active in World of Warcraft and Star Wars the Old Republic, we are also actively beta testing Guild Wars 2 and plan to establish a branch there at launch. We are comprised of dedicated gamers from all over the world possessing extensive gaming experience. We are seeking ambitious gamers to lead in each game we play. Ruin works tirelessly to ensure we are as well organized as is possible to achieve our objectives in each game we play.


Gaming ultimately is about entertainment, enjoying the company of others and feeling of accomplishment that comes from achieving common goals. Real life always comes first. Ruin members should always balance game-play with their real life obligations.


Absence of over two weeks must be made known to your officers or you will be removed. Extended leave for military service, medical illness or other legitimate reasons are understood. (Applies to games with guild player caps)


Our community accommodates both hardcore and more casual players. All members are required to participate in guild events and activities, and above all else, support our PvP campaigns.

Ruin Gaming has always been a community above all else. Social networking, making friends and enjoying yourself remains an important aspect of Ruin.


Ruin Officer Corps: Work to create the most organized and active guild possible, to provide direction and act as mentors to our members. Lead always through example

Members: Work to improve themselves and the guild. Personal progression and guild progression require participation in guild activities in and out of game.


The members of Ruin have spent countless hours building a powerful guild. Apply only if you intend to become a contributing member of our organization.

Ruin members are:
- Mature adults. (Age 18+)
- Dedicated gamers.
- Have a sense of humor.
- Highly Active.

You may contact a Ruin recruitment officer in your respective game for further details on joining the guild.


Loyalty is the foundation of any great organization. Ruin has achieved its goals in all previous games, often against incredible odds and through difficult times only through the dedication and patronage of our player base.

Citizens must have the ability to play their respective class well. Competency is required and expected. Ruin accepts those with potential to assist us in obtaining our goals.

Citizens will constantly work to improve themselves and their equipment and professions. Access to the most up to date information is expected and required, everyone is responsible for helping themselves and their guild mates to improve.


Ruin has zero tolerance for infighting or lack of respect between members. Officers will be given the respect that they have earned. There will be no discussion of politics, religion or offensive content in public channels. Private channels are unrestricted.


Ruin is founded on the principle of responsible, merit-based leadership and personal responsibility. All members from the leadership to the initiates are expected to attend the events that they have committed to and to fulfill the duties they have accepted as Officers.