31st Caliban Armoured Squadron / S0C0

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Engineering

Welcome to the 31st.
Caliban was our home, until the Vanduul took it from us.
For that, they will pay.

These are my finest warriors; men who give themselves, body and soul, to me.
Like clay, I will mould them. In the furnace of war, I shall forge them.


We were once part of the UEE. We would patrol the Caliban sector, keeping it free from enemies. Like so many other systems, our home world was abandoned by the UEE. The Fleet fled the system and left us unprepared for the Vanduul onslaught. Those of us who survived no longer consider ourselves part of the UEE. They betrayed us and no longer hold sway over our actions.
As a PMC, the 31st will show the Vanduul what Humans can do, when they are prepared for the fray.

A heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and be absolved in death. A traitor can never be forgiven. A traitor will never find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing so wretched or hated in all the word, as a traitor.


We intend to be those who live by Honorable means. Finding jobs that align with the morals that are held by all those who are good in the universe. While we are no means devoted to the UEE we typically, but not exclusively, adhere to the laws that they have established. We are a PMC but the roles we are willing to be hired for are wide from security, trade, to outpost development, we intended to be an ally to those who are not simply praying on the weak. To those who wish to join us we welcome you with open arms, we offer the freedom and support to become the citizen of these stars that you have always dreamed of. All we ask is that you follow the rules we govern ourselves by and when we call on you for that you answer.


We will be honourable and accept that as a value to find in others.
We will do all that is offered to us, in the realm and beyond.
That which is not honourable, such as piracy or scamming, has no place in our way.
You will be supported in your solo game-play pursuits and encouraged to explore the verse outside of Org “sanctioned” events.
When part of Org Sanctioned Events (OSEs) your expenses will be reimbursed, any loses of personal property during OSEs will be covered by the Org, and you will be compensated for your contribution to any and all OSEs you have a part in.
There will be a tax system in the Org, this will cover things like operating costs, OSEs reimbursement, and asset purchases for the Org. We will always be open and transparent with the funds usage when requested by any member.
Things like piracy, while having a place in the verse, is not something this Org condones for it’s own members. Members are expected to act within the code of conduct, the Org’s operating procedures and the Alliance’s regulatory charter. Those who violate any of the before mentioned will be tried by the respective body and sentenced accordingly.
Betraying the Org intentionally or otherwise is a severe offence. This is an Org based on trust and a willingness to support not only their members but also their allies. The punishment will be severe and most likely result in a permanent removal from the Org, the Alliance, and hostile relations.