Our planet had come to the point of destruction with all the volcanoes erupting and decimating our planet. Twixer, Senna, Banj, and P4L4CE looked to the sky and found Solace looking at the stars and the opportunities that lied ahead. We decided to take to the sky and explore space. We started to trade the last remaining artifacts of our planet to gain a profit and good reputation in our solar system. Drawing inspiration from the stars we had established a company named Solace originally used for trading, but we had other intentions… The reason our volcanoes started to erupt was pirates corrupting our land and using the base of the volcanoes as hideouts from the military. The pirates would carelessly bomb trying to mine out our planets ore which later would be the leading cause of ours planets destruction. We now focused our funds on training to hunt down pirates and claim their bounties.
“The next time you experience a blackout, take some solace by looking at the sky. You will not recognize it.”- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
We WILL be along the front lines of space finding new areas and exploring deeper into space along with dealing with any pirate scum.