• Organization
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Resources

we get it there Safe, we get it there Securely and we are Loyal to the core!


  • SAFE SKY LOGISTICS was formed on Terra in 2898.
    SAFE SKY LOGISTICS is a confederation of unaffiliated miners/Traders, who banded together after Voyager Direct (VD) was founded in 2898 to take advantage of the contractual offerings by Cary Lindle to move there cargo through out the border-worlds and edge-worlds. The SAFE SKY LOGISTICS differs from most house corporations in the sense that it’s profits do not go to the coffers of any specific house, but to the workers themselves. It’s also remarkable the lack of ranks. However, the Board of Guild Masters is the highest ruling body inside SAFE SKY LOGISTICS. This worker-oriented policy has driven the Guild since 2902 A.D., and to this date, draws in workers who have been laid off, or grown disgruntled with the house corporations treatment of their workforce. The Guild seeks to provide a means for each member to employ themselves, either in asteroid mining, planet- or planetoid mining, or Transporting Goods.


We are big enough to handle the most complex logistics chain, yet personal enough to care about all our customers.
At SAFE SKY Logistics our staff, who are unquestionably some of the most experienced team of transport professionals in the industry, make it their priority to understand your business and help you find better freight forwarding and logistics solutions. We have the right equipment to handle any freight movement – correctly and safely


SAFE SKY LOGISTICS Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the The United Empire of Earth (UEE) (the “Corporation”), original Certificate of Incorporation was filed with the Secretary of the UEE on the same date. The Corporation further certifies that this Certificate of business states and integrates the provisions filed with the Secretary of the UEE in which SAFE SKY LOGISTICS will abide by ALL UEE LAWS and by LAWS.