Saints 3G / SAINTS3G

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Will you be a whosoever?



Saints 3G was founded on May 11, 2009 by Jao Thaun as Saints of the Old Republic while preparing for the launch of Bioware’s Star Wars The Old Republic MMORPG. Jao, who had prior clan & guild leadership experience and many years of online gaming experience, felt the need to be a part of a community of like-minded individuals. After searching for such a community with Christian values to no avail, Jao saw the need to start his own guild and Saints of the Old Republic was born. Over the course of those 2 1/2 years of waiting and preparing, SOTOR grew exponentially, having processed well over 1,200 applications from prospective SWTOR applicants. By launch, the Saints became one of the top-ten largest guilds on Saints of the Old Republic was the first Christian guild, the largest Christian guild, and the only all-Christian guild in SWTOR. Over the course of time, Saints of the Old Republic became “Saints 3G” with each “G” represents a word in which the guild is founded on, i.e. God, Guild, & Gaming.

The Saints discovered Star Citizen through one of it’s members and it is now our primary MMO. Saints 3G was the first Christian Guild created in Star Citizen and is a founding member of the ARC Alliance, i.e. “Allies Representing Christ.”


We are a 100% Christian Guild and always have been. Everyone is welcome to join our guild, but all applicants must go through the same Door, that Door being our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Saints Defense Force is comprised of both security personnel and civilian freelancers. Our mission as a guild is to help each other, defend each other, and succeed together in Star Citizen. To succeed in this game, you must make money and you must protect your assets. We plan on doing both while having fun at the same time.

We intend to explore, freelance, transport, escort, trade, mine, salvage, and other such activities. We as a guild plan to stay on the lawful side of things, so long as the laws of the UEE do not become tyranical or impose upon our individual, God-given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are a freedom-first guild.

Saints 3G is a founding member of the ARC Alliance (Allies Representing Christ) and will participate in ARC Joint-Operations with other Christian guilds.


Members of the Saints Defense Force shall abide by these rules:

  • Members must follow our Saints 3G Code of Conduct including voip, foip, comms, spectrum, and text chats
  • Members must respect the SDF and the S3G Chain of Commands
  • Members are prohibited from engaging in piracy
  • Members are prohibited from smuggling drugs or slaves