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SAMPO Logistics GmbH / SAMPO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

SAMPO is a Terra-based transport and long-haul general contractor, specializing in high value cargo, low transit time delivery and heavy fleet support. Our crews offer an on-time, on-budget experience, balancing the highest of industry standards with expert security during contract.



2943, Terra.
Mineral extraction and shipment.


2945, Terra.
Spacecraft modification and engineering.


2946, Terra.
Advanced computer programming.

Current Mission

2947, Terra.
High quality transport investment and consulting.
SAMPO Racing Murray Cup Team™


Who are we?

In ancient mythology, the SAMPO was a magical tool, which provided anything the hero holding it needed. In keeping with this ‘customer-focused’ ethos, SAMPO GmbH aims to serve our partner organizations by giving you what you need, when you need it.

An organization needs a transport partner. Maybe it’s to service a mine, to transport a critical resource, or a security station in need of supply.

SAMPO is your organization’s one-stop outpost transport solution. We’ll work with you every step of the way – from route selection and timetable design, to cargo collection and on-site security in pickup and delivery.

How do we work?

We aim to use only the highest quality vessels in our transport chain. We have dedicated vessels from Origin and Crusader Industries, with veteran crews. If you have a specific vessel you would like used, or wish to oversee the delivery procedure yourself, ask to speak to our Resources Manager.

To provide security and hospitality, we keep an Origin 890 Jump available to our clients upon request. Your organization will be welcome to use this mobile base to oversee transport, collect personnel or resources, plan for the future, or simply enjoy our orbital hospitality.


Throughout our history we have been where the growth is, connecting
customers to opportunities. We enable businesses to thrive and
economies to prosper, helping people fulfill their hopes and dreams
and realize their ambitions. This is our role and purpose.

Our business affects people’s lives every single day.

Our decision to say “no” can make a difference, too.

Our decision to apply the right checks to interplanetary transactions and
challenge questionable behavior can help stop fraud, money
laundering, tax evasion and worse.

Whether we speak to customers daily or we support those who do;
each of us can make decisions that shape the future for better or worse.
This is a privilege and a responsibility.

Our industries have a growing list of rules and regulations. Our aim is to
meet both the spirit and the letter of the law — to do what is right, not
only what is legal. This means we have to use our judgment.

The five questions are designed to help us all consider what is
right when facing tough choices. If you can answer “yes” to all five
questions then you know it is a good decision.