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Samura Omotai Zaibatsu / SAMURA

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Samura Heavy Industries, Also known as Samura Omotai Zaibatsu, is a corporation based around mutual loyalty and utmost respect. We are a family here and we protect each other just so regardless of if you fly anything from a Cruiser to a Salvage ship.

Delivering the Future. Today.


The start of an Empire

Founded Centuries ago by famed economist Nora Samura, Samura Omotai Zaibatsu (aka Samura Heavy Industries) had striven to be at the forefront of economic development as the human race spread across the stars. It’s goal has varied among the years as time and technology has progressed.

Into Space

When humans first graced the empty blackness of space with their presence, Samura were among the first to capitalize on the profits to be made. Aiding in the first transportation to the moon and eventually future colonies, they turned to shipping building materials as the primary source of revenue as passenger liners were more expensive to maintain.


Over time, Samura incorporated smaller businesses to satisfy its individual needs and grow as a company. It garnered a reputation for success which only aided its profit margins. Although rumor has it of mysterious unidentified ships striking at targets considered to be adverse to Samuran Interest.


With Samuran holdings expanding over entire solar systems, They opted to solidify their portfolio by opening up new businesses under the Samuran Umbrella to complete their chain of Supply, Manufacturing and Sales. This new found business structure helped Samura thrive and become the mighty conglomerate it stands as today.


Today Samura remains a profitable, respectable-ish company who have always retained its image of success through means of wealth projection and loyalty of its employees.


Our Company

Samura Omotai Zaibatsu seeks to dominate the Trade and Transport sectors via a model of aggressive corporate takeovers and expansion. Our motivations for such actions are to strengthen our own in order to further our goal. We have dubbed this as ‘Motivational Loop™’

Profit is inherent to life. Samura seeks to gain it at every point in its business model. Profit making is the game and Samura will win.

Our Premise

As an Organization within the universe, Samura aims to provide a home for pretty much all walks of life. From traders to mercenaries there is a department for you. It seeks to bring all of these walks of life together into one Cohesive unit. Allowing for maximum profit in all sectors. There is a small emphasis on maturity and roleplay. Samura is not above recruiting people of younger generations or of recruiting those who do not wish to roleplay. Anyone is welcome, everyone is important.

Our Goal

Our goal is and always will be to Profit on a large scale via any means necessary. To Expand in numbers and in corporate holdings.


Samura has the P.R.O.F.I.T Initiative to help guide its’ employees. They are as follows;

P rotect your Samuran Brothers at all cost.
R etain Samuras’ Image as a Respectable Company
O pen the door to profit at all opportunities
F riendly ventures garner new trainees, Always smile at potential new people.
I nterest people to join, and finally
T alk to everyone possible. Profit and opportunities are about the people you know.

If as an employee you cannot abide by these rules, We are probably not the right fit for you.