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Swords of Sanghelios / SANGHELIOS

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The Arbiter’s forces eventually consolidated their strength under a single banner, the Swords of Sanghelios, an ancient title of honor expressing their nobility of their cause: the unification of the Sangheili people.


The first Swords of Sanghelios were a sworn brotherhood of Kaidons dedicated to the overthrow of a tyrannical Arbiter judge-king who ruled the continent of Qivro centuries before the Sangheili became a spacefaring species. Their story of brotherhood, loyalty, honor, and sacrifice continues to resonate among the Sangheili. Though the newly reforged Swords works to destroy the Covenant and throw down their leadership, it is not without a tinge of irony that the last incarnation of the organization appeared in the tumultuous aftermath of the Covenant’s formation to bring the last holdouts to the Writ of Union to heel.


Though it began as an alliance of convenience, the Swords have become the effective world government of Sanghelios, led by the Arbiter and a grand council of Kaidons. Should the Covenant be defeated, it is these great leaders who will forge a new path for the Sangheili.


The Swords of Sanghelios live by honor, and die by the sword.