Speed / SANIC

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Engineering


To infinity and beyond! — Tim Allen
Throughout our existence, we as humans have always had an innate longing. It can only be described as an indescribable yearning that makes us aspire towards greatness. It is the single greatest accomplishment that our collective existence has and will continue to lead us to. It can not be found or created, but only experienced. It is a state of being that transcends all others. It is: Speed.

Our organization is dedicated to bringing speed to reality in all of its manifestations.
Be it racing in a purpose-built M50 to making your Starfarer go those extra few m/s or skimming through opposing blockades, our family is the right choice for you. We keep an open door to new members since the love of velocity is never exclusive. So long as you keep things strictly about going fast, we don’t need to hear the rest.

Since our founding in 2501, Speed has involved itself in many activities such as:
  • Our racing division, dedicated to tuning and upgrading competitive racing ships
  • Hosting bi-annual Grand Prixs in multiple galaxies
  • Mercantile and smuggling services
  • FTL” pizza delivery services
  • Dedicated expedited shipping services

We are always open to new ideas and volunteers to support our cause.

Below you can find a short video explaining how we plan to take on the universe of Star Citizen:


Life’s already short. Make it shorter.


Simply put, don’t be a dick to other people. Know why? Being a dick to other people means you’re putting your attention to something OTHER than going fast. Devote yourself to the essence of speed and you will be rewarded.