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Sanity Optional LLC / SANITYLOST

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Some people find sanity a little confining. We’re here to seek profit and prosperity outside of those confines.


Founded by Ehran Harbinger, our current CEO’s Grandfather, Sanity Optional LLC began as a quiet tax haven to protect assets from liability.

Sanity Optional was expanded substantially by Ehran’s son Filben to help finance and secure his personal starship as an exploration and transport concern. Primarily concerned with small high value cargo Filben was able to add considerably to the assets of Sanity Optional.

Our current Owner and CEO, Salamancer, grouped up with a number of corporate heirs to focus their resources on secure expansion into what seemed like an open market…


Sanity Optional may be a little crazy, but we’re all about reliability.

We will do our collective best to ensure any contract accepted by our members is fulfilled.

If you place a Priority contract we will all drop everything else to make it a reality.

So sit back, relax, and watch your needs and dreams fulfilled.


Loyalty above all things…. Save Honor.

A Contract is a Contract is a Contract. Honor your given word, or don’t give it in the first place.

In the unfortunate and unlikely event we cannot fulfill a contract we will buy it back for half again the original terms of the contract.

There is a standing reward for any indisputable proof of indiscretions of any members of our organization. If one of us lies, cheats, or steals(not to be confused with lawful plunder)… We want to know about it.

We expect all of our members to behave in a n honorable and civil fashion at all times. Which is not to say you can’t point out that someone’s a complete moron… Just that you can do so in a civil and polite fashion.

We will investigate any indiscretions of any member.

Repeat offenders shall be expelled. No exceptions.

Elections for the Board of Directors shall be quarterly, votes shall be proportional to quantifiable contributions to the company. there are no nominations, anyone may vote for whomever they want.

The Board of Directors shall consist of 10 percent of the company membership, minimum of 5 members, should 10 percent of the company result in an even number of members, and additional member shall be elected.

Any officer of the company may be subject to a Vote of No Confidence. Any member of the Board of Directors may call for such a vote. If seconded a simple majority of members of the board of directors will require a vote of the membership of the company as a whole. If sustained, said office is immediately vacated, and an immediate election shall be called. Only a member of the Board of Directors can become CEO. There are no other restrictions on nominations of election..