Starburn LLC / SB69

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Security

Welcome to StarBurn Corp,

Feel free to check our member list and if you so choose, join us. Our goal is peace, unless the cogs of war are greased, then…Omni save you.


StarBurn LLC was formed when the Founder of the organization, encountered his first Pirate in the Stanton System. Built around creating and maintaining shipping lanes, we strive to ensure safe cargo deliveries between planets. Armed to the teeth with top-tier fighter pilots fully kitted and cargo captains that are well seasoned, we ensure safe travels for our own interests and the shared interests of others.

2948 to Present, we are StarBurn LLC


Here at StarBurn LLC we strive to become the most successful and trusted Trade and Security organization in the UEE. We were formed in the crucible of adversity and through the heat and pressure have created a charter based on Trust, Accountability and Unity.

Our Goal * Invite all willing RP participants with a proven track record into the fold. Assigning duties and stations based upon applicant approval and merit. * Become the largest and most trusted organization in the PU occupied by the UEE * Help to mold the history of system * RP with many Citizens allowing for a large and diverse streaming opportunity * Create jobs within the PU that are as diverse as our membership.

Views: * Accountability and honesty are key. We are all out here trying to make that sweet sweet space money. Get with it


StarBurn LLC Charter

1. All members of StarBurn LLC will respect the rank and position of one another regardless of placement. We are here to have fun and role play while still remaining profitable. Respect that.

2. Any and all changes to the charter must be presented first to the First Officer of whichever ship you are assigned to. If you feel that your concerns are not met to your satisfaction, report to the First Officer to the Founder. Upon receipt changes will be voted on by the First and Second Officer as well as the Founder.

3. Mutiny will not be supported unless under well documented circumstances.

4. If you fall under the scope of Bounty Hunters your commanding officer is to take on the job if available. The bounty will be split between the Officer and the organization at a 70/30 split. 70 for the Hunter, 30 for the Organization.

5. As maintaining the treasury is how we determine success and profitability all rates of profit division between crew and organization are to be honored in full extent. The Treasury is used for promotion/sign-on bonuses as well as for the purchase of ships fitting the needs of the organization.

6. Recruitment is open to any and all Citizen’s that are willing to participate in Casual to Hardcore Role Play. No Officer or Recruitment Agent will participate in any form of discrimination except for those who are themselves, discriminating.

7. Streaming Star Citizen is encouraged but not required. When a member is streaming, respect the audience and streamer.

8. Break Down of Profit Divisions / Bonuses / Promotions

8.1.A. – Sign on bonus for New Recruits is 50,000 credits. To be paid out upon completion of 5 Missions with the Officer you have been assigned to. 8.1.B. – Promotion bonuses are set to 20,000 per rank in addition to the original 50,000 until reaching the vote to Officer. Upon reaching the Officer title you will be given the means to purchase a Caterpillar for hauling cargo as well as a 95% share of all solo cargo runs upon that ship 5% to be paid, without fail to StarBurn LLC. This is vital to the success of the organization. 8.1.C. – Promotion to Officer Class and upon purchase of the Caterpillar, you will be able to run your own cargo solo missions. When called upon by the Founder of StarBurn LLC, the First of Second Officer, you will respond. These missions are critical as Treasury funds will be spent in an effort to increase the holdings by the Treasury. 90% of the profit made here will go to the Treasury while 10% goes to the Officer of the ship. 8.1.D – Officers are to determine the size of the crew held on their respective vessels and are encouraged to negotiate profit sharing among their crew. 8.1.E. – Officers are encouraged to have another member of StarBurn LLC crewed either on their ship or as an armed escort during a cargo hauling run. In an effort to increase immersion and interaction amongst our members it is vital to the success of StarBurn LLC that all Officers take an active role in recruitment. 8.1.F. – Any member may make a request to the 1st and 2nd Officers for a ship purchase or upgrade loans. Loans can be paid out after completion of tasks assigned by the Loan Officer. 8.1.G. – Cargo Runs aboard the Caterpillar will be separated as such. Officers will maintain the ability to determine the amount of modules aboard that their crew is allowed to occupy. A general rule 3/5ths of the modules belong to the Captain aboard the ship while 2/5ths are up for use by the crew. 8.1.H. – Profits are not to be split if the crew options in for the splitting of modules except with StarBurn LLC in which the 90/10 split is to be upheld. For crews using 1/5 of the modules the rate is decreased to 95/5. 9. All members are to uphold a sense of honor, respect and unity. Your actions are a reflection of StarBurn LLC and unless specified otherwise, all laws in the PU are to be observed. 9.1.A. – Upon the breaking of a law please refer to Rule 4. 10. Rules of Engagement and Security 10.1.A. No large expedition mission (Mining or Cargo Hauling) will be done without the presence of at least one fighter pilot for safe escort. 10.1.B. An exception can be made if there are enough people to use Turrets or Hot Drop vehicles stored within the cargo/mining vessel 10.1.C. Upon filling storage containers for either mining or cargo a fighter must be present to ensure safe delivery and keep from wasting the time of members. 10.1.D. High Risk missions must be carried out with two members of StarBurn LLC. Exceptions exist but to increase comradery and keep with the immersion and RP find your battle buddy. 10.1.E. If you cannot find a battle buddy, hop on the discord! 10.1.F. As a member of StarBurn LLC you are encouraged to spread the name of our Organization and may take on freelance work under our protection for other citizens and Orgs. 10.1.G. No member is authorized by StarBurn LLC to ask for more than 15% of the protected cargo (mining or freight). If offered more that is fine, we only wish to be helpful to other people in the PU. 10.1.H. If you are destroying other Citizen’s ships, you are on your own. 10.1.I. If someone destroys your ship while on a mission and the enemy vessel has landed with your battle buddy still alive, that member is to sneak aboard the ship if possible and set off the self destruct in the ship. RUN.