StarBlazer - Corps / SBCORPS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

“When the Corporations and corrupt sectors of the Military let you down, don’t despair, send a beacon out and StarBlazer – Corps will answer!”


After his SO squadron was betrayed and decommissioned by the United Empire of Earth, Ace Reddick formed the StarBlazer – Corps.

Vykke Fallah, Pilot-for-Hire first meets Captain Ace Reddick of the newly formed StarBlazer – Corps on a Bunker Mission in Hurston. After safely returning to Everus Harbor and sharing many stories at the station bar, Vykke accepts Ace’s invitation to the StarBlazer – Corps!


The SBCorps is an honest group of professionals whose mission is to protect/aid citizens often overlooked by nefarious corporations and corrupted sectors within the UEE.
Rescue Ledger (Total Rescues = 5):
10/29 – solemn_anomaly, ArcCorp, moon of Lyria, Shubin Mining Facility SAL-2, Cutlass Black stolen during ROC mining, Vanguard Harbinger is rescue ship, successful transport to Bajini Point in ArcCorp. [VF]

10/29 – Vorolas, Crusader, moon of Daymar, Cutlass Black stolen during a Bunker run, Vanguard Harbinger is rescue ship, successful transport to Everus Harbor in Hurston. [VF]

10/31 – thatonerobotguy, ArcCorp, moon of Waila, Starfarer wreck, attacked by another player while on Research mission, Reliant Kore is day job ship, revived from incapacitated status, he returned to his Aurora LX safely. [VF]

11/1 – Sureshot3401, ArcCorp, moon of Lyria, moon surface, ship lost all power during quantanium mining after the first rock, Anvil Pisces is rescue ship, successful transport to Bajini Point in ArcCorp w/ box of cargo intact. [VF]

11/8 – Seranis, Crusader, moon of Cellin, Security Point Kareah, ship destroyed by roaming Pirate PC stranding him on the station, Origin 400i is rescue ship, successful transport to Port Olisar in Crusader w/ all his inventory intact. [VF]


StarBlazer -Corps Code of Conduct:

This is a positive, philanthropy based Org for helping all citizens in the ‘Verse. We want you to feel safe and have fun, but please follow our rules and use your best judgment.

Anyone who violates the tenants below will be dealt with swiftly.

1. No disrespect of any kind; including hate speech based on but not limited to race, creed, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, THIS BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, PERIOD!
2. No personal attacks, harassment, or bullying other members of the Org.
3. No violations of privacy or sharing personal information.
4. No discussions of sensitive topics like politics/ religion unless discussing parties specifically give you permission.
5. No harmful depictions, references, or descriptions of gory violence or explicit/implicit sexual content.
6. No threats to harm other members of this Org, even if it was in jest.
7. No compromising of the player experience by circulating spoilers, leaks or cheats. (We will be more lenient on this tenant since the game is still in Alpha)
8. No soliciting, plagiarism, or attempts at phishing.
9. No evasion of bans or suspensions.

Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll have a great time here at the StarBlazer – Corps!