Shadow Brokers / SBX

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Security

Shadow Brokers is an ideologically flexible business and security operation spanning from the safest and most civilized to the sketchiest and most dangerous parts of the universe.

SBX Discord:


Years ago, when human technology allowed for an explosion of industry in space, every corporation on earth with a healthy balance sheet began space operations. Soon popular planets and systems became very crowded as spacefaring services became numerous, leading to a saturated market and fierce competition.

A former Navy logistics captain with the pilot handle “Killjoy” saw the situation and decided that while popular places were overserved, vast reaches of space were underserved, due to the danger of operating in those areas.

His Navy logistics experience had taught him how to procure and move resources into and out of hostile places. He also had a sense of where to procure hard to find items that select customers would pay a premium for.

With the help of some retired Navy friends, he founded the company Standard Billing Exchange, or SBX, borrowing the old meaning for “billing” in the sense of a cargo billing, modernly referred to as a manifest or bill of lading. But this was a name-on-paper, and in any context outside of official channels he called the company Shadow Brokers.

Utilizing their Navy training, Shadow Brokers would do hauling, trade, procurement, and manufacture in the most hostile places. A strategic employment of escort, QRF, and escape and evasion tactics allowed them to operate in relative safety despite these conditions. Also with these danger levels, Shadow Brokers enjoyed minimal competition and maximum profits.

After Killjoy passed on, the company was sold to a security company who wished to utilize the Shadow Brokers knowledge of hostile space security tactics in their own operations.

Many key agents and brokers in Shadow Brokers didn’t approve of the merger, particularly since it led to a shutdown of manufacture and hauling operations, and immediately created a new charter to continue the Shadow Brokers name and operations.

In order to fund the remade company a wealthy heir in the Shuban family agreed to be their principal underwriter and another company named Beltane secured the charter, resulting in the name Shubin-Beltane Exchange, still SBX. Again outside of official documentation everyone in the org knows it as Shadow Brokers.

The current leader of SBX is Leovinis Avorias (flight name Expressman).


We will get anything to anyone, for a price.


Filed: High-Secretary’s Office of Trade, Terra

Articles of Incorporation

Article 1: Jurisdiction and Members

The company Suhbin-Beltane Exchange Ltd. (hereafter known as SBX) is a Limited-Liability corporation formed in the UEE jurisdiction of Terra 2938. The sole principal member of SBX is Mr. Leovinis Avorias (UEE-IDX 232910219).

Article 2: Compliance Structure

SBX shall operate as a tiered limited-partnership (S) corporation. The role of Chief Broker is a registered freight broker and carries all Title 426 transport and series 202 fiduciary obligations for SBX as a whole.

Brokers shall hold current Series 202 certificates and thus can originate and warrant Bills of Lading and transport contract on the behalf of clients. They can operate semi-autonomously in accordance to legal compliance and company policy.

Agents are SBX-certified transport consignees, operating broadly under Title 426 and reporting to the Chief Broker in matters of trade. They can operate semi-autonomously in regards to their own transport affairs, and under the brokers in regards to client servicing.

Porters are hired help for day-to-day operations.

Article 3: Funding & Governance

SBX is securitized by Shubin Bank (Earth registered) and is 49% owned by the Beltane Group (Terra). The remaining 51% is owned by the brokers in aggregate.

Decisions are made by the brokers, with the Chief Broker as the chair. As the sole principal, the Chief Broker has veto power.