SCC Contractor Services / SCCCS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Security

This is Stanton Combat & Commercial (SCC) contractor services!


In Stanton you’re doing four things to make money. You’re either working in a store, being a delivery boy, mining, or enjoying what you do while making money doing it. SCC was founded to bring like minded people together. People that are in it for a little more than just the money. They crave the adrenaline and the comradery that still pays at the end of the day. This is the Stanton system branch of the SCC with its parent branch being Sol Combat & Commercial contracting services from the Sol system. Arriving to Stanton initially two years ago the founder of the Stanton branch, under the moniker of Lucid, found that Stanton was short handed at every turn and created this organization to offer several services to the people of the system. From Microtech to Crusader to Hurston to ArcCorp and all the surrounding area, here at SCC we offer exactly as our name sake says Combat & Commercial services.


Here at SCC we exchange services for aUEC. If there’s something that needs done we’ll do it for a fair price.


SCC is a lenient organization that understands a certain risk comes with the job. Part of that risk can involve ending up on the wrong side of the law. We take care of our own and do what we can to ensure you’re able to continue accepting contracts as they come.