Flavortown / SCD1

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Resources

The primary purpose of FOP Flavortown / SCD1 is to establish a self-sufficient colony of science, security, and industry-minded players using our ships and the available infrastructure of SCD1 Daymar. We welcome all players including backers and staff, veterans, new pilots and everyone in between.


SCD1 / Forward Operating Post (FOP) Flavortown was established in 2953 through a special land lease granted to Azwethinkweiz 3k by Shubin Interstellar to grow and expand the local population surrounding Shubin Mining Outpost SCD1, colloquially known as SCD1 or Shub1.

The primary purpose of FOP Flavortown (SCD-1) is to peacefully bolster and secure the settlement population, to exploit the local resources, and to expand trade and commerce in the area; namely industrial (mining), and commercial goods & services, Will we encounter some opposition? Sometimes, but we will work together to repel it.

The Official FOP Flavortown Discord: https://discord.gg/SNE84WfDZY

All denizens of SCD-1 / Flavortown, regardless of rank or occupation, will treat each other with a certain level of human respect and dignity. Any kind of discrimination based on Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation or any and all other personally identifying traits is strictly forbidden. This is your first and only warning. No Stealing from Each Other and No Killing Each Other Maliciously.


In Star Citizen, SCD1’s objectives are to:

1) Be Self-Governed
2) Maintain Independence
3) Control, Manage, and Secure Proprietary Resource Pipelines
4) Establish a Guild Homestead Colony
5) Have Fun Together, Defend, Protect, and Support Each Other

To accomplish these goals together:

+Inputs will be taken from the SCD1 community regarding strategy, direction, and coordination of the guild..

+The SCD1 / FOP Flavortown leadership will consist of administrators, not moderator.


SCD1 / FOP Flavortown exists first and foremost to have fun together in and surrounded around the Star Citizen video game, a space mmo by Chris Roberts with Perma-death and LTI spaceships. The individual personalities of SCD1 members are respected and appreciated; As members make up the whole, The SCD1 character endeavors to adventure mostly as a protagonist, As such:

Members of SCD1 Will:
Be empowered to be self-governed, to support, protect, defend, and respect each other and themselves. Common sense, mature behavior and self-accountability is expected. We are gamers, but we are people first, and we must set positive examples from which others can learn and grow, regardless of the medium. This is the ethos of progressive humanity.

Members of the SCD1 Will NOT:
Promote racism, hate, or violence. This is not meant to hinder, limit, or drive individual gameplay style under any particular banner in a video game where combat and alien aggression are core elements. Rather, this is a reminder that Star Citizen is an international video game and all SCD1 members will be accepting of other players. Star Citizen is a public place, and we are all choosing to gather there together.

Members of SCD1 Are:
Not Required to make SCD1 their main org
Not Required to leave any other orgs
Not Required to display any SCD1 branding
Not Required to pay into, donate, contribute personal assets towards, or sacrifice anything at all for SCD1 ,its members, owners, membership, or operating costs.