The Scarlet Order / SCORD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Remember Our History. Prepare For Our Future.


Organization Communications

To join us on our Guilded server (primary), Click Here.

To join us on our Discord server (secondary), Click Here.





Player Rules

The Scarlet Order requires members to be 21 years old or older. In addition to this they must agree to adhere to this charter and remain active in the Organization. This doesn’t mean they have to play Star Citizen, but must participate in the Organization in some way. Avid posters on our spectrum, frequenting our discord, playing games with other members are all things that count as activity.

** Members must not grief any other players.
** Members must not intentionally upset other members.
** Members should be at least 21 years old. Some exceptions may apply.
** Members who sign up for events must give 24 hours notice if they cannot attend.

SCORD Title and Ranking System


Titles are given to members to show the level of responsibility they hold. This is separate from ranks,
however, the higher the title, the higher in ranking members usually are. Titles such as Chief Engineer,
Chief Medical Officer, Head of Mining, Head of Stellar Cartography, etc. are examples of specialized
titles within the org. If a member is granted a title, they are expected to carry out the responsibilities
associated with it. Some more general titles include the following.

From highest to lowest:

• Circle of Suns: this title makes up the Organization parliament. They gather and institute rules,
regulations, and major changes to the Organization and its many functions. Suns are technically
not a leadership role as they are not the enforcers like the House Directors are, however, have
executive powers to make administrative changes as they deem necessary. They are more like
curators, and representatives. Suns usually have the rank of Commodore or Admiral.

• House Director: this title is an administrator who is entrusted to act on behalf of the Circle of
Suns. They are not allowed to change rules or regulations, but they are given the ability to
promote members up to the Senior Member title and demote players down to initiate. Directors
also are in charge of promoting their cadets up to commanders. They are the leaders of the
Organization. House directors should have attained the rank of Commodore.

• Scarlet Council: this title serves as a council to the leadership and will influence the decision
making process within the org. Council members are expected to have acquired the rank of
Commander or Captain.

• Field Officer: this title assists the director in carrying out orders during missions, events, and
operations. They helps organize and run them as well. They basically act as assistant directors.

• Senior Member: this title is a proven member who has some authority over members and
initiates. They are earmarked as having completed all promotion requirements and
prerequisites and have a 6 month or more membership. Senior members should have at least
attained the rank of Lt. Commander and are present for their house’s senior staff meetings.

• Member: After 14 to 30 days of evaluation, initiates may be made into members. Which is the
base, non probationary title. Members should be well on their way towards the rank of Ensign.

• Initiate: this is a new recruit who is in the process of being vetted. This probationary, evaluation
period lasts 14 to 30 days from recruitment date.


Ranks reflect a member’s experience in the field. Ranks show a player’s overall knowledge of how the
game works and what is expected of them to gain recognition within the org. Ranks reflect a member’s
participation in org functions and willingness to advance themselves and the effectiveness of the org.

From lowest to highest:

1. Cadet: Cadets are generally brand new to the game and will need to be trained to learn how the
game works. Cadets are usually seen as playing the game very casually and are not too
concerned with learning the specifics for any particular type of gameplay. These players may
move between houses as they are not yet committed to a particular type of gameplay.

2. Ensign: Ensigns are casual players who do not need to be trained in basic functions or require
any hand holding. They are usually set on which house they would like to commit to, but may
not yet know what field they would like to specialize in. Ensigns can pilot ships with ease and are
familiar with basic gameplay loops. They log in occasionally and may be seen attending events.

3. Lieutenant: Lieutenants are players who log in frequently and are often seen in the Guilded
server. They have an idea of their career path within their assigned house and have chosen what
field they would like to specialize in. These players are considered highly competent at
performing duties and can be counted on to perform tasks without much guidance. Lieutenants
might take on org responsibilities and train cadets and ensigns in how the game works.

4. Lieutenant-Commander: Lt. Commanders are those who are veterans at the game and have
shown interest in responsibilities that aid their house directors advance the organization. These
players attend most SCORD events and respond to urgent requests. They usually provide
directors solutions to common and uncommon tasks and are able to step into command roles
where they lead other members. Lt. Commanders should know the SCORD organizational
structure and can educate others on what each title represents and the ranking system.

5. Commander: Commanders are the highest rank a house director can award. These players are
seen as frequent, hardcore veterans and can command members effectively. Commanders
know how the org functions and know the staff in charge of the org’s administration. They are
usually a part of their house’s senior staff meetings and can relay important events happening
within the org. They have a significant online presence and are respected by other members.

6. Captain: Captains are appointed by the Circle of Suns and the Scarlet Council. Captains are the
highest rank within a particular house, save for the house director. Most organization members
look to achieve no higher than the captain rank. Captains have a strong knowledge of how the
organization works, how to advance in the ranks and are expected to be present for the
organization’s senior staff meetings. Captains command members across campaigns and can
represent their house when their house director is not present. They are masters of the game
and have been actively following its development. They are well respected not only in their
house, but across the org and their input is taken very seriously. They also commit to house
responsibilities that advance their house. Captains can also recommend advancement of other,
lower ranking, members, however, the final decision is left to the house director.

7. Commodore: Commodores are appointed by the Suns. They are usually listed as house directors
or lead a specialized department where they oversee members. These senior members can
represent the organization and can make diplomatic decisions on the org’s behalf.
Commodore’s are well known throughout the org and usually host org events. They also display
a proficiency at leading campaigns effectively.

8. Admiral: Admiral is the highest rank and are generally reserved for Suns unless a special
exception is made. Admirals can be seen directing full campaigns with all three houses. They
take on a multitude of leadership responsibilities, and enact the overall mission of the org.
Admirals check in constantly and take active measures to make sure the organization succeeds.


To be considered for promotions within The Scarlet Order, players must complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Join our Guilded server.
  2. Read and agree to our charter (this document).
  3. Be a non affiliate member.
  4. Once a player completes the initial prerequisites, they must meet or exceed the ranks time requirement.


Grounds for demotions are on a case by case basis. Some examples of grounds for demotion is violating player rules defined in this document.