Security Coalition of Outer Unexplored Territories / SCOUT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

We are a society dedicated to exploration and development of territories on the edge of known space. Our desire is to preserve, protect, and control the vital outer ring territories to secure our interests, and thus the interests of the common good, on the frontier.


May 9th, 2942 – Founded


Founded in 2942, SCOUT is an interdisciplinary organization founded on need for responsible actors on the frontiers of space. Rather than a well-SCOUT cuts a new path by endeavoring to develop political, military, and social power to influence the development of the outermost unexplored territories in the known universe. By establishing a power base of marginal systems, SCOUT can effectively protect and channel the growth of these areas in a positive manner for the common good.


A full charter for SCOUT will be available soon.