Strategic Defense Initiative Organization / SDIO

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Infiltration

The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) is a government backed and funded non-profit organisation. The goal of SDIO is to follow the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) enacted according to Senate …[redacted]… to support expanding and internal stabilisation of UEE.


SDIo created according to Strategic Defence Initiative resolution approved and enacted by the Senate Subcommittee for Internal Appraisal as a government owned foundation. Creation of SDIo was commissioned to the Terran federal government and enacted accordingly by said government. Case reference number 2942/37614-6.

Further information is forthcoming.


Project Synthworld/Archangel

SDIo supports Project Synthworld to contribute to the strengthening of UEE infrastructure and the repleneshing of the empire resources. To help avoid interspecies conflicts due to terraforming and tragedies like The Masacre of Garron II, furthermore draining empires economical and military resources, SDIo pledges to contribute to this priority area with research, consulting and other required means to achieve governments goals of a more ethical expansion and to accomodate empires own citizens.

Recruitment policy and trainee program

SDIo recruitment and trainee policy includes but does not limit itself to talent recruitment through the military and advocacy channels. We believe that candidates with military and/or advocacy skills and experience and background from governmental or strategic work will strengthen SDIo`s organizational portfolio. We thererore urge such individuals to apply.
SDIo strives to aquire and invest in young talents already in the equivalency stage. The recruitment policy therefore also branches out to the private academies and public institutions via trainee and talent programs. We believe that the young are the future and therefore want to contribute to a government that gives the young in equvalency stage to develop their skills at a higher level.


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