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The Searchers / SEARCHERS

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Resources

In the universe, loyalty, trust, and safety are rare. Join our brother/sisterhood and escape mistrust. We seek out life’s marvels and bring harmony to the verse. Uniting those of good soul and character. Our code is simple, and our adherence leads to our members being trusted amongst the stars.


It was founded 3554 years ago on a clear night under a full moon by a coming together of humans from all corners and cultures of the world, a group of wise men who sought to understand, explorers who sought to discover, knights who sought to protect, pilgrims who sought to be fruitful and truth seekers who sought to see the marvels of the Universe. Nevertheless, they struggled to free themselves from the evildoing that enclosed them, separated them, and hunted them down. Even as the stars became their refuge, those who dreamt of creating an Elysium for man in the cradle of the stars were prosecuted. Hundreds of years have passed, oppressed, enslaved, forced to serve the Will of those corrupt and greedy. Pirates and warlords, even the UEE, have plundered our homes and ships and taken our women and children while we were helpless to oppose them. These bullies made them realize that evil will persist if not cleansed from existence. They must help as knights of old those innocents who can not protect themselves, and members of this faith must follow a code, a means by which the membership to their community recognizes those that are good and trustworthy in a sea of lies and backstabbers out only for their benefit.

Now that you know their past, will you join us in our future?

Only our faith in our code, purpose, and diligent striving to move forward will atone for the world’s darkness. Let us be the light. Now, we have the means to fight! Now, we can come to the aid of the helpless! Now, we can create a Universe in which loyalty, goodwill, and trust shall be valued and upheld! Let wisdom and prosperity usher in a just world in which morality, goodness, and the ever-persistent sense of wonder and awe drive us forward to cleanse, heal, and unite those of good heart and soul where we go.

Beware those who might endanger us in our search for the Truth for long enough has the blade of justice rested silently.


We are the stars of life and the light of good.

To explore the Universe and search for meaning, truth, and purity.
To further trade and other economic activities to provide the means and foundation of the greater good.
To broker and negotiate as a neutral party on behalf of or between organizations.
To welcome those of good heart and soul into our Brother/sisterhood with open arms.
To create a community where one must not worry about getting back stabbed and where outsiders know we will protect our own.
To enforce our laws and punish those who break them.

Let us solemnly swear to never betray a brother or sister.
To not break a promise once it is made.
To spread our beliefs and welcome newcomers of good heart and soul into the fold.
To support the existence of our faith in what ever way we are willing to.
To enjoy the bond we have with one another.
We do not believe in the over-administration of our believers. Instead, we believe in the freedom and self-determination of the individual, enlightened by the common goal and guided softly by those with more experience.

We would love it if you joined us on our Discord server, but it is not a must.


  • 1. Preamble:
    • In recognition of the rights and responsibilities of independent free citizens, and of the difficulties of maintaining a peaceful existence within the verse without maintaining a community of trust among peers with his common interest at heart, we do hereby ordain the creation of “The Searchers”. As a unified self-governing organization, it is our responsibility to provide a workable framework for the administrative structure of our faith. It is the objective of this charter to outline, improve, and provide for the modification of this structure of government. In this spirit, and aiming to provide for a more secure future, we, The Searchers of the United Empire of Earth, do ordain and endorse the following document.
  • 2. Admission and Expulsion
    • a. Any citizen in good standing is permitted to join The Searchers. All applying members must submit an application through the RSI Organization page. Prospects are not required to undergo scrutinization for initial entry, but may be required to submit requested background information if applying for a sanctioned role. Affiliated members may participate in Org sanctioned events, but are not eligible for monetary aid/welfare from The Searchers Treasury.
    • b. Members found guilty of direct crimes against the Commonwealth will be subject to expulsion from the alliance. Expulsion may be extra-judicially carried out in circumstances defined by the Judicial Council, however all members subject to disciplinary recourse have a right to defend themselves at a Tribunal hearing upon request.
  • 3. War Policy
    • a. The Searchers do not condone unapproved aggressive acts of any nature. Only conflicts authorized by The Searchers Military hierarchy and/or the UEE will be considered legally valid. Gross violations can have serious consequences on all aspects of the organization, and may waive one’s rights to membership.
    • b. The Searchers governing body recognizes that the ability to effectively deploy offensive military assets can act as a strong deterrent and intends to never limit a members right to possess arms of any strength. However, due to the powerful influence some capital grade weapons systems can project, clear authorization from the military hierarchy must be obtained before one wields them offensively under our banner.
  • 4. Executive Administration
    • The primary routine powers and operation of government within The Searchers Organization will be vested in an Executive Administration. This branch of leadership is organized around The Lord – Head Of State. The Lord – Head of State and their staff will maintain the smooth operation of the various branches of the organization by providing services such as recruiting, education, and organization of internal affairs. The Executive Administration will also be responsible for organizing the security of it’s members, as well as the Orgs stance with foreign powers.
    • a. Positions
      • I. Lord Commander
        • Selection: Appointed by the Lord / Head of State
        • Description/Duties: The Lord Commander is charged with assisting the Head of State in day to day operations of The Searchers as well as serving as voting members of the High Council. Lord Commanders shall have the power to issue directives to members of all governing branches and conduct diplomacy and official business with other organizations. The Lord Commander is authorized to appoint members of the Judiciary Council, but will not be allowed to appoint ministers or veto legislation. In all other cases a Lord Commander is endowed with the full powers of The Lord – Head of State. In the event of an absence of the head of state the Lord Commanders are elevated to the status of Lord and will transition the executive branch to a parliamentary system.
        • Selection: Appointed by the Lord / Head of State
        • Description/Duties: The Foreign Minister is charged with managing the day to day Foreign Policy objectives of The Searchers. The Foreign Minister shall have the power to issue directives to all members of the Foreign Affairs Ministry and conduct diplomacy and official business with other alliances as cleared by the high council. The Foreign Minister is also charged with initial negotiation of treaties, which must be signed by the Head of State. The Foreign Minister may be overruled in any directive or decision by the Head of State.
      • III. Defense Minister
        • Selection: Appointed by the Lord / Head of State
        • Description/Duties: The Defense Minister is charged with maintaining and utilizing The Searchers Volunteer Defense Forces. The Minister, through the direction of the Executive branch, will be responsible for coordinating strategies and the incorporation of conscripted organization members assets in preparation of a major conflict. During peacetime, the Defense Minister concerns himself primarily with defense readiness, intelligence on the strength of potential opponents, and communication with military allies. During wartime, the Defense Minister is in charge of tactical engagements and is closely involved in strategic decisions in regards to the other of the Ministries under the direction of the Executive branch.
      • IV. Interior Minister/Treasurer
        • Selection: Appointed by the Lord / Head of State
        • Description/Duties: The Interior Minister is responsible for maintaining coherant operation of all internal activities within The Searchers organization. The Interior Minister, through the cooperation of his own appointed Deputies, will be responsible for coordinating all recruitment, education, and financial efforts within the alliance. The Interior minister is also charged with fulfilling any and all other internal duties such as managing organization records, informing general members on internal operations, and coordinating efforts with the other Ministries.
      • V. Director of Recruitment
        • Selection: Appointed by Interior Minister
        • Description/Duties: The Director of Recruitment will organize efforts to recruit and integrate new members into The Searchers. The Director of Recruitment is charged with spreading our values to interested prospective members while ensuring against the use of coercion or intimidation in the enlistment process. Following recruitment, the Director of Recruitment will work with initiate members to ensure their successful integration into the organization.
      • VI. Director of Education
        • Selection: Appointed by Head of State, Interior Minister
        • Descriptions/Duties: The Director of Education is in charge of the continued training of members of the alliance in techniques towards successful development. The Director will teach budding members the mechanics of the verse and the effects of various decisions on the course of a new members. The Director of Education may also be responsible for collecting and publishing literature on a wide range of topics, including guides to rapid deployment, alliance history, and the state of affairs in the verse.
      • VI. Director of Finance
        • Selection:Appointed by Interior Minister
        • Descriptions/Duties: The Director of Finance will be the coordinator of all economical affairs within the alliance. The Director will ensure that all governing bodies are achieving ultimate fiscal efficiency in industrial and economical growth.
    • b. Impeachment:
      • I. While the Lord – Head of State is appointed for a life term, the Executive branch is not without it’s checks on power. Any member can make a motion for impeachment of any member of the ministry, and are permitted to present their case for a vote just as any other bill, though such an address must be made available to the entire membership of The Searchers. Both sides will be permitted a reasonable span of time to fully state their case.
      • II. The vote to impeach a ministry position will be a simple majority vote by the membership of The Searchers. The total number of members that voted must be 50% of the organization or more. If the vote receives sufficient member support, the impeachment is carried out and the individual is removed from office.
      • III. The vote to impeach a Lord Commander position will be a simple majority vote by the membership of The Searchers. The total number of members that voted must be 75% of the organization or more. If the vote receives sufficient member support, the impeachment is carried out and the individual is removed from office.
  • 5. Judiciary Council
    • The Judiciary Council will act as the Court of Org Values for The Searchers. In an attempt to streamline trials, as well as to expand the court’s sentencing powers to include military actions, any three senior members as appointed by The Lord – Head of State or Lord Commanders may convene and assume the duties of the Judiciary Council.
    • a. Any Organization member may bring a trial before a member of Judiciary Council using the House of Commons. Should a governing member be called in question, their position will be temporarily filled by a Lord Commander as appointed by The Lord – Head of State. Judgement will be decided by a combined vote of the Judiciary Councils. Appeals will be heard by a convening of the Lord Commanders should the need arise..
    • b. Use of Extrajudicial punishment
      • I. In the event where the consequences of a citizen retaining access to organization forums outweighs the benefit of a fair trial, a member of the Judiciary Council also possesses the right to disseminate extrajudicial punishment in the form of banishment from message boards. This does not wave the accused rights to a fair trial should they still request one.
      • II. Any use of extrajudicial punishment carried out must be documented and presented to The Lord – Head of State or one of the Lord Commanders. Failure to do so will result in the removal from the Judiciary Council
  • 6. House of Commons
    • The day to day members will make up of The Searchers House of Commons. Members may use this forum to present bills to be voted on by the Lord Commanders.
Current Leadership:
  • Lord – Head of State——— Lucky42
  • Lord Commander————— DitchDoctor543
  • Lord Commander————— Epyonai
  • Lord Commander————— VACANT
  • Defense Minister—————- VACANT
  • Interior Minister—————— VACANT
  • Director of Recruitment – VACANT
  • Director of Finance———— Hess