S.E.B.B Industrial Contracting / SEBB

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Welcome to SEBB Industrial Contracting, for all your industrial and security needs


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At S.E.B.B. Industrial Contracting, our goal is to provide the best industrial services to the verse. Some of the services we provide are as follows:

Mining – We have access to prospectors and Moles to help clear out a deposit of minerals that you have found. we will take care of the extraction, refinement, transportation and sale of minerals.

Transportation - We can provide multiple different transportation services, including small craft transportation across the verse. Our fleet includes multiple Hercules Star Lifters, Hulls, and a Banu Merchantman

Pathfinding – We are willing to go to an unknown destination for exploration to ensure the area is safe for whichever reason you need. We will take care of setting up a safe zone to land and set up operations.

Racing – We have a racing team, and will partake in any race that comes up, and can also provide luxury accommodations to and from the race to observe in style.

Security – We have a specialized fleet for security operations for transportation or escort. We have multiple Polaris corvettes, an assortment of fighters, and a will to see things through to the end.


At S.E.B.B. Industrial contracting we strive to provide services for industrial jobs and support to other citizens as needed, and with joining you agree to abide by the following:

1. All members will deal fairly in all Contracting related activities.
2. All members will support each other, coming to assist other members as needed with the expectation of fair compensation for services rendered.
3. Once a contract has been made, we will see the deal through close on the terms of the contract.
4. Members will offer other members the best deal. Members will not take advantage of each other for profit (see rule #2)
5. We will not actively go against UEE Law, but depending on the circumstances, we are willing to go into the gray area, but the contract will incur appropriate fees.

This charter will be amended as time goes by to suit the needs of S.E.B.B. Industrial contracting at the sole discretion of the Founding Masters. Suggestions may be forwarded for consideration.