Security Corps / SECURECORP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Medical

The Security Corps stands against Unlawful Activity & Pirates through Protection, Rescue & Logistical Aid!

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Protegat et Erue



The Security Corps, a PMC centred around protection through escort is founded by [REDACTED] and a few other survivors after the Battle of Orion’s Decisive Defeat. It consists of three Ranks, Commander, Captain and Cadet.


The Founder and 1st Commander of the Security Corps, [REDACTED], sadly passes away of Natural Causes, Squad Leader [REDCATED] steps up and becomes the 2nd Commander of the SC.


The SC is equipped with a few Avenger fighters from Aegis Dynamics for the purpose of firepower with cargo for aid.


While escorting a convoy of Kruger-made RSI parts leaving Magnus, the SC comes under fire of Pirate vessels. Sadly, it was a defeat, with the 2nd Commander of the Security Corps, [REDACTED], being killed in action.


The Security Corps goes through structural changes and expansion within it’s framework as a Company, it’s purpose spreads from escort to multi-role support, known specifically as Escort, Reinforcement and Support through aid and troops. Due to larger numbers in the Company, 5 ranks of command are devised from the original 3; Commander, Squad Leader, Captain, Flight Sergeant and Corporal.


The Current and 5th Commander of the Security Corps, DriftyWingss, is given command by 4th Commander [REDACTED], in which Drifty promotes [REDACTED] to squad leader and CamJam to Captain upon Command.


The SC is equipped with vehicles of various purpose due it’s multiple support roles now; from the original Gladius Fighters and Vanguard Sentinel Heavy Fighters, to the Apollo and Cutlass Red Rescue Ships, all the way to M2 Hercules and Liberator Dropships.


We aim to deliver the following as our Primary Goal:

-> Escort and Defend our allies and those who require it
-> Reinforce and Support in any situation
-> Eliminate Hostile Threats and act as Peacekeepers

Our Secondary Goal consists of:

-> Supporting and Working together in our daily activities, whether it be mining, transporting, medical etc…


Main Policy:

-> The Members of the Security Corps will not desert in combat, only when decisive defeat is declared by Command will members retreat.
-> SC members, both ranking and recruit alike, will not participate in any acts of crime or piracy.

Common Rules:

-> No Abuse, this includes witch-hunting, “trolling”, hate-speech etc… just be respectful or do not say anything at all.
-> No Advertisements, this includes cold DM’ing members to promote something without permission beforehand.