Sentinel Corps / SENCOR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Social


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“A Privately Funded Organization providing Security and Civilian services to UEE Citizens.”


Our Background

“Sentinel Corps is a Privately Funded organization providing security and civilian services to all lawful UEE citizens.”

In essence, we are a self-sustaining organization looking to provide our services to those who need it most. We will be providing security for operations such as but not limited to:

  • Capital Ship Security
  • Escorting Services
  • Mining Operations
  • Merchant Security

Not only will we provide these services, but we will also provide services and goods such as, but not limited to:

  • Repair, Refuel and Rearming Services
  • Armor and Armaments
  • Ship Rentals
  • Transportation Services
  • Medical Services
  • Outposts to relax
  • Friendly members to interact with
  • Learning opportunities

Why should I join the Sentinel Corps?

“At the Sentinel Corps we believe that we can unite like-minded individuals looking to maintain and protect our society to ensure a better tomorrow.”

The Sentinel Corps offers many jobs and roles to suit your unique gameplay desires. We offer many departments that have many roles within them that can be combat oriented and some roles are more in-depth and non-combat roles. We can suit whatever need you have and will make sure you are protected at all times no matter what role you choose.

We at the Corps believe that all lawful UEE citizens deserve a sense of security, and we are providing that to them. You can be a part of that bigger picture that we are creating, and you will be well rewarded when you decide to apply for a position with us.

What divisions do you offer?
SenCor offers a wide variety of departments. Information on all departments is attached below:

  • Security Corps
  • Commerce Corps
  • Research and Logistics Corps
  • Support Corps
  • Capital Fleet Corps
  • Intelligence Corps

The Security Corps is in charge of all types of security during any and all operations. They will be the infantryman, combat pilots, capital ship security, and much more. Here is a list of the jobs the security division will perform in:

  • Fleet Security
  • Shipboard Security
  • Ground Security
  • Outpost Security
  • Mining Operations Security Detail
  • Merchant Security Detail
  • Escort Detail

The Intelligence Corps is tasked with intelligence gathering and bounty hunting. Here is a list of jobs that pertain to this division:

  • Gathering intelligence on organizations that engage in illegal activities or piracy
  • Data Collecting
  • Collecting information before an organization operation commences
  • Bounty Hunting

The Support Department is the backbone of the entire organization and we rely on them for the operational efficiency of the organization. Here is what the logistics division will be doing:

  • Refueling Operations
  • Repairing Operations
  • Rearming Operations
  • Transportation Services

The Research and Logistics department main goals are medicine and science. They will focus on these objectives and will be serving a variety of roles in support of them. Here is a list of the jobs they will be performing:

  • Medical Evacuations
  • Botany
  • Prospecting
  • Exploration
  • Medical Services (Combat Medics and Doctors)

The Commerce Corps department is the money maker of the organization and is how we will remain a self-sufficient organization. They will partake in any type of activities to keep the Corps funded. Here are some of the jobs they will take part in:

  • Trading
  • Mining
  • Reclamation
  • Outpost Construction
  • Acquisitions


The security division is in charge of all types of security during any and all operations. They will be the infantryman, combat pilots, capital ship security, and much more. Here is a list of the jobs the security division will perform in:
  • Fleet Security
  • Shipboard Security
  • Ground Security
  • Outpost Security
  • Mining Operations Security Detail
  • Merchant Security Detail
  • Escort Detail

The intelligence is tasked with intelligence gathering and bounty hunting. Here is a list of jobs that pertain to this division:
  • Gathering intelligence on organizations that engage in illegal activities or piracy
  • Data Collecting
  • Gathering information for potential mining operations
  • Finding suitable areas to create an outpost or forward operating base
  • Collecting information before an organization operation commences
  • Bounty Hunting

The logistics division is the backbone of the entire organization and we rely on them for the operational efficiency of the organization. Here is what the logistics division will be doing:
  • Refueling Operations
  • Repairing Operations
  • Rearming Operations
  • Transportation Services

The support divisions main goals are medicine, science and engineering. They will focus on these objectives and will be serving a variety of roles in support of them. Here is a list of the jobs they will be performing:
  • Medical Evacuations
  • Botany
  • Manning engineering stations on ships
  • Medical Services (Combat Medics and Doctors)

The trade and commerce division is the money maker of the organization and is how we will remain a self-sufficient organization. They will partake in any type of activities to keep the Corps funded. Here are some of the jobs they will take part in:
  • Trading
  • Mining
  • Reclamation
  • Outpost Construction
  • Acquisitions


These are guidelines for etiquette. Please consider them. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
  • If someone says something to you, say something back “Aye” for “yes” or “understood”. “Copy”, “Roger”, “Willco” to reply to an order that was given to you. ESPECIALLY over comms, it is important to know if a transmission was received correctly.
  • Try not to criticize leaders mid-operation Offering alternative solutions or suggestions is fine. It’s not that it’s never the NCO/CO’s fault, rather it helps things run smoothly if you aren’t ragging on them mid-operation.
  • There is a debrief after every operation and an NCO/CO feedback form is also posted, these are better times for criticism.
  • Combat is not the time for a debate.
  • Do not jump the chain of command for things that could be handled at the team/squad level.
  • Command, as busy as it is, the less work for them the better. Issues with another team/crew member should try to be handled at the lowest level FIRST and foremost. If there is a serious problem, it will be brought up to command ASAP, after first advising your team lead, squadron leader, or captain.
  • Focus on teamwork. Maintaining organization cohesion is important to everyone being successful and having a good time. The guidelines outlined here are to ensure that everyone gets along and can do their job efficiently.
  • Do not whine or bellyache during the operation, it ruins morale for everyone and no one wants to put up with it.
  • Things can get understandably heated, but be mindful of how you communicate with other people.
  • Courtesy and mutual respect for others goes a long way.
  • Everyone here is on the same side, we all have a common goal.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, don’t offer excuses.
  • Everyone is trying to improve.
  • Don’t pretend to know things you don’t, admitting you don’t know is the first step to learning.
  • No one is out to get you.
  • If you are getting pissed off, take a step away for a bit and cool off if you have to:
  • Ask yourself: “How major is this problem really? How much of a fuss should I make over this?”
  • Courtesy is not a one-way street, everyone should be treating each other with respect, not just respect towards leadership.
  • Leadership should never under any circumstances be power tripping or fishing for respect.
  • Agency is important, especially for leaders. If an issue occurs, don’t be so quick to place blame. Speak about what happened from your experience and we can figure out where the issue occurred together objectively.
  • Using the first-person language can help with this:
    GOOD: “I feel like we could have moved fasted this operation.”
    BAD: “You should have moved us faster!”
  • Hold questions and comments until the end of briefings/debriefings, interrupting make the whole process take longer (and let people talk during briefings/debriefings, do not interrupt them).
  • Stay for the briefing/debriefing until you’re dismissed. Don’t wander off.
  • Don’t leave early as a way of avoiding the briefing/debriefing.
  • That being said, joining late and leaving early is perfectly fine as long as you notify someone that you are/will be leaving.
  • Just stand with the group and wait, it isn’t a time for screwing around and doing things that are distracting, such as animations, making noise with your mic, changing gear/loadout, etc…
  • When in doubt, do what others are doing.
  • During briefings, people are looking to get started. During debriefings, people are waiting to leave so these should be quick and clean
  • You do not get to pick who you work with but you do get to pick how you work with the people you are assigned to, if you have continual issues with particular people, make sure that leadership is aware of the issue and we will try our hardest to accommodate you so that everyone can have a good time and not be stuck with people they do not mesh with. Try and make it a good experience for everyone and consider the things listed within this document.