The Sentinel Group / SENTGROUP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

Strength and Honor

Welcome to the Sentinel Group’s Star Citizen channel!

New recruits, please be sure to formally register and apply on our ☼Homepage


Founded in 2007, The Sentinels were created as a brotherhood and sisterhood of mature adult gamers, united with a desire to cooperate and assist one another in a shared gaming experience. As a multi-gaming clan, The Sentinels have been a presence in many popular online games such as Guild Wars 2, Age of Conan, Darkfall, and countless others. Through strong leadership, diplomacy, and strategy, The Sentinels have been a key factor in the creation of alliances, the winning of wars, and the bonding of new friendships.

As their plans continue to move forward into Star Citizen, The Sentinels hope you will join them in their cause!


“The fate of an entire guild should not rest on the shoulders of one person, nor should the decisions that affect the entire guild be left solely to one favored group. A successful guild is a brother- and sisterhood whose members understand how they can work together.” – Kurgan & Dagothar, founding fathers of the Sentinels

Our goals in game will be to offer something to everyone (within the TOS of the game of course). We will support all play-styles with dedicated mining / manufacturing, Bounty hunting, Security escorts, Mercenary work, Exploration, Covert ops, ETC. We plan on having our fingers in every aspect of star citizen to offer the most enjoyment to our members.

Founding Principles

Keep it Fun: It’s a Game!

The Sentinels have become known as a guild with an honorable reputation among the Massively Multiplayer Gaming Community. As such, we expect all members to not only be courteous to each other, but to our fellow gamers in other guilds and games as well. Where the game allows, Sentinels will never engage in “camping” and “griefing” of other players. To the contrary, Sentinels are expected to promote our hard earned reputation by helping unknown players and showing them we are a guild to be counted on to promote the spirit of the game.

While we strive to maintain an honorable existence, be assured we will rise up and take arms against those who do not share our values; who prey upon characters significantly lower level; or upon characters who have no possibility of defending themselves. We aim to be the guild that like-minded guilds align themselves with; and the guild that non-like-minded guilds target.

The Sentinels above all, want to keep gaming what it is intended for: fun. Guilds, rules, and structure are an added element which serve to enhance the game play of people. But when being part of a guild becomes laborious; when it starts to feel more like a second job then it’s no longer fun anymore. Our goal is to create & maintain such a structure that we are able to keep the fun in the guild while avoiding over-zealous, senseless rules that do not reflect our founding principles.

Being an adult guild, we expect all our members to treat each other in an honorable, courteous, and respectful manner at all times. While we acknowledge that human relations are never perfect and that tensions between members will arise from time-to-time, we prefer that conflicts are handled at the lowest possible level, with officer intervention only when all other options have been exhausted. Also, we will not tolerate “unnecessary drama” from our members: while we will always strive to protect the rights of our individual members, we will not allow any single person to hinder the enjoyment of the collective guild.

The Sentinels are dedicated to maintaining fairness & equality within the guild ranks. We pledge to always strive to place the right person into the right positions; no unearned privilege will be given to those undeserving just because “they are friends with the officers.” To that extent, any member in good standing is encouraged to volunteer to assist with the day to day running of the guild. Officers of the guild will determine where the current need is and offer assistance in placing the member in that spot if it’s what they are looking for. Such positions could be, but are not limited to raid and team leadership; membership and organization; web development; forum moderation; in-game assistance; etc.

The Sentinels are dedicated to the cause of professionalism and creating an environment that will foster great relations through cooperation with allies, honorable treatment of neutrals, and merciless treatment of enemies. The Sentinels exists to serve its membership, and its officers will uphold the highest standards and unwavering dedication to the service of its members.


Sentinel Membership Rights and Responsibilities

“Keep it Fun: It’s a Game!”


All members of the Sentinels have the right to enjoy all the benefits accruing to a Sentinel in any game played by other Sentinels. All members have free and open access to the decision process for the guild, principally utilizing the Citizens’ Forum and Senate, but also by PM, Mumble, email, through other Guild Forums, and any other means available. Guild leaders at all levels are obligated to hear the comments of all members, and respond to them within a reasonable time frame.

All members of the Sentinels are afforded full use of the forums and Mumble server as afforded to their current rank within the guild.

Once a Sentinel, Always a Sentinel: Membership in the Sentinels is not dependent on playing a specific game, and upon joining our guild all members will always be considered a part of the family unless they wish to move on to another community. Any member who has no game or forums activity will not be expelled from the guild, but will be placed in an inactive status (Retired) until which time they decide to become active again.

Code of Conduct

Keep this thought in mind:
“My actions must only bring credit to the Sentinels, and defend it’s values.”

The Sentinels pride themselves in being a respectable guild. In order to conduct ourselves as such, all members should hold themselves responsible for following these guidelines:

  1. Behavior – Show respect to your fellow Sentinel. Especially in Mumble, use common decency. If you behave like a jerk to other people… you are not the kind of member that should be in this guild. (Any racist, sexist or hateful remarks that are not role-played, are not acceptable. Jokes are acceptable when in good taste.)
  2. Forum/Character Naming – NO offensive, racist or sexually oriented names allowed.
  3. Terms of Service and Code of Conduct – We abide by the EULA (or ToU or ToS, as applicable) of each game we enter into as The Sentinels. The games we play have rules and restrictions and all members are expected to abide by these rules at all times.
  4. Cheating/Exploiting – No member of The Sentinels is allowed to use any third party program that gives a direct unfair advantage against other players or provides information about other player’s game clients. Add-ons that are approved via the game developers are acceptable. Any member found to be using such unacceptable programs will be removed from the guild immediately. Examples include but are not limited to: aimbots, wallhacks, terrain glitching, and memory/packet editors.
  5. A Sentinel does not Grief – A griefer is generally a person who derives enjoyment from being obstructive, diminishing the enjoyment of others, causing problems, wasting people’s time, and so forth—bringing detriment to others for the sadistic enjoyment of it. . A Sentinel fights to win, but does so with a purpose, not senseless slaughter. The Sentinels are a PVP guild, however we are not here to grief others. Any action that can be considered harassment of another player is prohibited to all members of the Sentinels.
  6. Final Say – Exceptions can be made to any rule for special cases at the discretion of the Guild Leadership. In the end we will make the ultimate decisions where we deem necessary, for the benefit of the guild.

Guild Drama

As stated in the founding principles, “The goal of the Sentinels is to provide a fun and relaxing environment where adults can find like minded individuals to enjoy the multi-player online gaming experience.” Unfortunately, guild drama rears its ugly head even in the best intentioned of guilds.

When guild members engage or are suspected of engaging in behavior detrimental to the Sentinels, there are steps to take to make them aware that their behavior is not acceptable.

To ensure Guild Drama has the lowest impact possible on the guild, the High Council, when notified of the situation, will meet and discuss the matter with all parties involved. After hearing all sides of the situation, the High Council will determine a course of action to be taken and advise the parties involved as to the course of action to be taken. These actions can include as little as a warning to the individual or as strong as removal from the guild.

Upon request, all such reported situations as well as their adjudication will be available to any member of the guild, ranked Legionnaire or above