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Silent Echoes Special Operations Group / SESOG

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security


When you join Silent Echoes you’ll be part of a competent team who understand what it takes to get a job done, often in challenging and hostile scenario’s. Our personnel have many years experience of operating with large and small vessels in both military and commercial environments.


Silent Echoes

  • Participated in the Battle of the Line
  • Trained with the Black Omega Squadron
  • Provided Tactical Support at Sigma 957
  • Escort Operations throughout Grid Epsilon
  • We were there at Coriana VI

2281 Babylon 5 is decommissioned and destroyed. Silent Echoes is assigned to an IPX (Interplanetary Expeditions) group as security. Somewhere deep In an area of the undiscovered region of space where the Shadows once occupied, the IPX team find an ancient Jump Point. Silent Echoes remain on alert as they escort the IPX team through. While in hyperspace the IPX ship was attacked by some remaining Shadows. The explorer ship’s navigation systems were damaged and they drifted through hyperspace relying on the Silent Echoes team to keep watch while they made repairs. Upon exiting hyperspace through a Jump Point unknown to them, IPX alerts their crew and their security force that they are not in the same universe. After some re-calibrating, scanners indicated the team was in a system called Croshaw and it wasn’t the year 2281, but actually 2881.

  • Provided security for medical personnel after the “CHARIOT” engine tragedy
  • Assisted a naval recon squadron in locating the Khartu-al
  • Security Operations for the angered citizens by the SynthWorld Project
  • Helped in the search for Dean Kellar

2945 We continue with Freelancing, Security, Bounty Hunting, Exploration, and Salvaging Operations throughout the Verse. Other opportunities shall present themselves and we will perform those with the same discipline and precision.

Real Life History – Silent Echoes was created back in 2004. My friends and I were changing our original team name from something that was taken already, plus we wanted something unique. We came up with Silent Echoes, I then made a sub-clan name for military /or simulation games designated Silent Echoes Special Operations Group. Then depending on clan designation limits, we use [SE] or [SESOG]. We have experience in a great many games and we strive to have fun while making ourselves better at handling different operations and objectives.

We currently use DISCORD for VOIP and Text communications.


S.E.S.O.G. coordinates our preparedness, response and recovery efforts within Planetary, System and Galactic Governments. As well as partnerships in the private sector and the community, to provide a service unlike no other.

Regardless of which level of service is adequate for your needs and budget, you can rest assured that we will always strive to exceed the security industry’s standards. We guarantee to deliver the best value for your security investment, no matter what service you choose. Some of the services that are available, but not limited to:

  • Armed Security
  • Ambassador Services
  • Convoy Escort
  • Executive Protection
  • High Value Target (HVT) Acquisition /or Elimination
  • Precious /or Rare Stone Courier
  • Protection for Assets – Large and Small
  • Protection of High Value Goods
  • Protection for Mining Operations
  • Securing Transports
  • Special Events Security
  • Specialized Security

Our ultimate goal is your complete satisfaction, long term correspondence and future referrals.


  • Honorable, respect your fellow players whoever they are, don’t put down the lesser skilled players.
  • Helpful, help the lesser skilled players improve ie: Simulator missions, Co-Op Swarm, flight maneuvers, weapon and loadout settings etc..
  • A Team player ,help the team out when needed.
  • Respectful, I shouldn’t have to explain this one.
  • No TK’ing (Team Killing), No matter how mad you get at the people on your team for whatever mission you are on.
  • Able to Have Fun.