Super Galactic Nerds / SGN

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy



Private sub-contractors.
Dealers in counterfeit
Non law-abiding freelancers


Drake Herald
Aegis Avenger

We welcome you aboard, Nerd.



NOVEMBER, 02, 2944

branching out informant


We, as a whole will be reconstructing our views and ideas towards a more positive outcome. As an organisation we are powerful and strong but we are lacking what it takes to achieve our full potential, therefore before we begin our journey amongst the stars we must form allegiance with neighbouring organisations. We are small and puny, so we need to friends to watch our 6, right?

Although just because we are reaching out to others to propose an everlasting alliance we will not change as individuals. You joined this syndicate being promised a lifetime full of freedom and opportunities to chose for yourself, and I promise that your freedom will not be affected by our recent affairs.

You’re a pirate.
You’re free.
It’ll always stay that way.

Please take a positive outlook upon this change of matter.



MAY, 17, 2944

permanent application letter assigned to newcomers

We, at SUPER GALACTIC NERDS invite you to join our fleet. As of today, marked 17/05/2930 you are an official outlaw of the UEE, a member of our organisation. It is a honor, for you, to join us in our syndicate.

It is not known what may happen in the future, but that we are united as a community by the dedication of our relationship as members of the free.
However our decisions are made, via the the organised meetings or via the outcome of a dog fight, you are required by duty and honor to maintain free but never-less supportive of our syndicates agenda. We fight for the next in line, our kin, and for our brothers, sisters and syndicates alike.

Declassification of this letter addressed to you, privately, will result in the termination of our contract, and will end in fully waged war against your agenda and next of kin.
Any contact to the UEE with regards of our syndicate will also result in the termination of our contract. We are to remain silent.

We do our bidding with a punch, but with multi platform spread. We have no boundaries towards our actions as we are all entirely free. With the signing of this letter, you agree with the terms above and dedicate your vessel to out fleet of the free.

We welcome you aboard, Nerd.



MAY, 16, 2944



We commute today to embrace the coming of Azrael, the BOOTY OVERLORD taking the role of Booty of the Fleet from our newly associated syndicate, BOOTY HUNTERS.

Due to Azreal’s high role in our associated syndicate, they have been assigned the rank of TRUSTED NERD to furthermore engage our new found friendship.

We wish to believe that this will be long lasting.



of decipherable transmission

_Connection to host signal lost, _-freq.103 _Reattempting connection. _-dialing freq.103 _ERROR, freq130 =end _ _No signal received. _Connection to host signal failed. _ _Terminating process.


WELCOME to SUPER GALACTIC NERDS [SGN]. Here at SGN we welcome you to join our fleet. Our primary interests feature Pirating and Smuggling, because who doesn’t? Am I right? Of course I am! Too be honest, that’s up to you to decide. Anyhow we aim to provide our community with the most immerse, action packed, amazingly awesome militant almost organised pirating game style, hosted by yours truly!

Hmm, time for a briefing.

SUPER GALACTIC NERDS wish to indulge you in a series of relaxing mining trips, capturing lonely civilian vessels and then selling their mothers for a few pence… We wish. Since our primary mode of transport is the AURORA MR we’re not going to moving along fast, which we’re all completely fine with (although an IDRIS does sound pretty dope) but everything else can wait. We all plan to be working hand in hand helping one another achieve the very best we can achieve, and we plan to get that IDRIS some day…
On a side note we’re gunna be the dirties filthiest pirates you’ve ever seen! No mercy for those space morons! Yes, you space morons are the ones not in this syndicate! Oh yeah, about that. We’re not major law breakers or extremely dirty scoundrels, we just like to freelance a little. Doing our own thing, you know? We are friendly and plan to be nice to opposing communities, but sometime we do get a little cranky…
We understand from time to time that you are unable to carry out your pirate schemes, but hey! That’s totally cool with us! Relax and just float in open space, we’ll be waiting to see you again soon.

Why do you even exist?

First, that’s rude. Second, uhh to be honest even I don’t know. That sounds really bad now I read over that, but oh well. One day we plan on expanding to a point no one will mess with us! We will be rolling in the dosh whilst it’s hot, and oh man, we’ll be looking pretty swaggy in the process. Oh and you, yes you! You’re looking pretty fabulous if I say so myself! How about you join us and embrace the awesome?

You mentioned Freelancing? Let’s talk about that.

Yup, we honestly don’t care what you do, as long as you’re doing it in SUPER GALACTIC NERDS favour! We’ll all be following the same directional communicative standards. What? Yes!.. Listen, just remember:

Do what you want, ‘cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!

Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is all right with me,
Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!

Whilst most other Organisations/Syndicates/PMCs/Militant communities will be heavily focused on one objective like being the best in Orion Tyran 2 star system, and dominating any tiny civilian vessels that wish to mine on their majestic ore. We’re not up for that. Peace to the world man! You take what you want when you want and you do what you want to do. Whatever play style, you’ll fit in.

Nah, we do take this seriously. Like Mining!

Our primary source of money will be mining with our old trusty AURORA MRs, this team force will be lead by ps0111 commanding our fleet of mining superstars! So if you like the sound of hot fresh dosh in your wallet, heh, you’ll like us for sure! Starting off in a large forever expanding world is difficult, so starting off as the scum of the nebula is where we’re at. You’ll be glad to know we fully support this claim. So yeah, we support you being scum, like a Thug Nerd, no one likes you.

I’ll finish this off when I’m done buying stuff in the store. Damn StarCitizen is addicting…


Under Construction.