Shade Security Operations / SHADESOP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Shade Security Operations
Safe. Secure. Professional.

Shade Security Operations is a security company dedicated to your safety and security with a pool of professional operatives.

Tell us how we can keep you safe today.


Shade Security Operations (SSO) is a private security contractor based on Earth within the Sol system. It was established in 2944 to meet the security needs within the UEE. Notably, SSO has recently made an effort to reestablish law and order in Stanton, successfully combating the Nine-Tails, the Arlington Gang, and repelling a XenoThreat invasion from the Pyro system.

We traditionally strive to provide private citizens or local governments with the security options they need. Our contracts have covered anything from interdiction over infiltration to countering criminal boarding operations.

SSO always gets the job done and prides itself on its ethical track record, never having caused any collateral damage.


Here at Shade Security Operations (SSO), we want to make our clients feel secure.

Our customers expect to be served by a security company that can execute contracts with surgical precision and on time.

SSO is the answer to low-quality, cutthroat security companies that destroy their employer’s reputation for quickly earned money.

SSO supports the following contracts:

  • Escorts
  • Infiltrations
  • Extractions
  • Combatant Support
  • Bombing Runs
  • Interception
  • Raids
  • Property Security
  • Ship Security
  • Station Security
  • Bounty Hunting

Shade Security Operations
Safe. Secure. Professional.


The staff at Shade Security Operations is:

  • Professional. You can rely on us to keep you safe and secure.
  • Ethical. You don’t need to worry about innocent blood on your hands.
  • Versatile. We offer a large range of services with a wide array of expert operatives.

If you found our operatives not following SSO’s traditional ethical standards, please contact our customer service immediately.