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Shadow Sails / SHADOWSAIL

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

Specialists at infiltration and social engineering. Pirates, mercenaries, bounty hunters, troublemakers.
Known for being able to get aboard rival stations or ships and shutting them down from within, allowing friendly fleets to jump in during the chaos – at a price.


Black Sails: flown to frighten the victim into surrendering without a fight, conveying the message that we are outlaws who do not consider ourselves bound by rules of engagement

Red Sails: flown to warn the victim that no quarter will be given, anyone found will be slaughtered


Shadow Sails will spend it’s early days gathering the resources and fleet necessary to make the journey to capture and defend a Bengal Carrier to work as a mobile, safe staging area for unaligned.

This carrier will be defended by many syndicates, and Shadow Sails will respect the Honor Amongst Thieves near the home Carrier. From here, we will form alliances with various other like-minded syndicates, and earn our way up to our own home system.

We will also work as Black/Special Operations Mercenaries, specialized in the infiltration, subterfuge, and decimation of our target. Discrete and professional, you will know that we are on your side only if you are an ally or an investor.

Our stance on the political climate is that the UEE has far too much overreach, and while we’re content to stick to the outer systems for now, if there is ever a revolution our fleet will be there, watching. If things start going our way, we might help. If not, we’ll be content to extort the losing side and leave.


We will not bite the hand that feeds, or attack those who have purchased our services.

More often than not, Shadow Sails will attempt to be reasonable with our happenstance prey. We will offer most targets the opportunity to split a percentage of their cargo or profits in return for not losing everything. Make the exchange unpleasant in any way for us, and we will return the favour.