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Shark Investments / SHARK

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Serious Business

“Everyone makes a buck from others’ misfortunes.”



After the war we were scattered, outnumbered, on the run. Members of our troops, employees of the company and settlers from the fallen colonies were spreading all over the outer rings of the known universe. For decades SHARK members and everybody associated was hunted, torturted, murdered, extinguished. After twenty years of relentless pursuit, nearly nobody was left.

But on this horrific voyage of our people, the organizations character had changed. All kinds of rebels, pirates, merceneries and castaways joined SHARK groups that were looking for new homes or just safe places to stay for a while. With years going by, it became a common belief that SHARK was giving shelter to the supressed, the outlaws and the underdogs. That development turned the companys remains into some kind of political movement. The leftovers of SHARK became a home to the idea of a new order to be established. A society that was free and just – an idea worth fighting for.


After we turned into that loose network of freedomfighters, SHARK was framed as a terror organization. That was our death sentence. The already very small groups of SHARK members were hunted even more than ever before, and quickly vanished completely. Except for one last hope that had already been sent out too far into unknown space to be tracked down by the gouvernments death-squads. One last colonization ship that searched for a habitable planet to set up a SHARK colony – the last one there ever was.

The colonized planet was named Niniveh and it was a harsh environment to populate. Most of the members of SHARK Investments today, actually got to know each other in those years on that planet at the end of the universe. We fought for survival on its surface, and we fought each other. A mutiny broke out and what was meant to be the last hope of a peaceful life for the last SHARK members, became a psychotic and paranoid microcosm of military violence and prosecution. We thought we’d all die there.

But one day the already forgotten and unexpected reinforcements reached Niniveh with another colonization ship. Some survivors of the rebellion inside the hierarchy of Ninivehs “gouvernment” seized the opportunity and left the doomed planet. They took one of the last working bombers of the SHARK fleet, and moved on with their own goals in mind.

Kommando Schwarzer Hai

One could say that was the hour of birth of what SHARK Investments is today. We changed our names, founded the SHARK squad “Kommando Schwarzer Hai” and went deep into the underground of the civilized part of the universe. Our agenda at that time was primarily about trying to re-strengthen the movement and ensure our survival.

We hit gouvernment troops every now and then, stole gouvernment assets and started freeing political prisoners – peaking in the famous prison break on Nova Scotia. Because of that highly criminal character of our activities, we had to stay out of sight of the police and the military more than ever before. Life on the run became an ordeal again.

We knew that we couldn’t live that kind of life for much longer…

The Wormhole

We had to find a new home. Some place safe and as peaceful as possible. After all these years of living like refugees, we wanted to finally have the feeling of being at home somewhere. So we decided to hide where noone could reach us and where we still would have the opportunity to build something new. We hid in the depth of unknown space, behind a complicated web of wormhole-jumps to vanish from the civilized society.

It was hard to find a place to settle, we had to move on a regular basis because of resource depletion or pirate attacks. Life still wasn’t fun these days, we had to work hard and the depression of loneliness as well as social tensions began to harm our effectiveness. Although we were as far away from everything as one could be, we hadn’t found peace. The group began to fall apart and the political ideas were long gone. SHARK – as it had existed for decades as a company and later as a movement – slowly died. As the group broke apart, one member after another left and went on to find their destiny somewhere else.

When after five years only seven of us where left, we decided to give up the concept of living together and returned to civilization. Creating new fake-identities for us again was the last action we took as a group. Everyone of us tried his own luck in getting along as a citizen. SHARK had ended.


After another two years, one of the *Niniveh*-veterans founded the legal corporation SHARK Investments in reminiscence of the old company and its history. Some former companions gathered around him and worked again together since then.

The politics are gone, the war is over, but the story of SHARK continues…


People who need a manifesto to know what they want or what they think are weak. We are a group of individuals who do not share all beliefs and ambitions. We work together because we know each other way back. SHARK members trust each other because of the history they have in common, not because of their future.

So if you read this because you are searching for help, an employer, some training or friends – you are on the wrong page. We don’t accept applications and we do not search for or recruit any new members. So if we don’t know you, don’t even think about writing us. Just back off.

We are men of honor, a brotherhood. We do serious business. Our business.


There are only three rules we follow:

  • Do not trust anybody who isn’t a SHARK member.
  • Do not take any action against the interests of SHARK.
  • Real bad boys move silently.