Shenan Theocracy / SHENAN

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

Consensual PvP fun in the Shenan Igans War(games)

Praise to the Shenan and may the stars be ours!

Contact us on Discord!



Good fights!

Consensual PvP fun in the Shenan Igans War(games), with a little optional culture and lore to make things interesting.

From skirmishes to campaigns! We will fight the Igan fools who seek to create the Sentient AI that are prophesized to destroy humanity


Love and Sacrifice are the only things that make one truly worthy.

The Safe Rule

Safe rule = Communications in the Theocracy is to be kept free from bigotry, sexism and harassment.

Membership in this fleet is dependent on working with the leadership staff to provide all members with a cohesive, fun and safe environment of gaming. All members will support and defend each others right to game in a safe environment.

Partnerships & Associations

Founded as a project of:
Risingstar Mutual Aid Network – A loose alliance, aka Network, of organizations and individuals endeavoring to foster increased success through mutual cooperation, when convenient and reasonable. Aiming to provide a friendly face in every system!

Training & Security Partners:
Javelin PMC – MilSim Lite PVP & PVE professional security, from Bounty Hunting to Capital Operations

Events & Venue Partner:
YachtClub – Guns down; drinks up! Virtual Bar Citizens and playing Star Citizens with our chosen family & friends!

Science & Industry Partner:
Interstellar Order Of Thales – For serious discussions & gameplay teams pushing forward science and industry in Star Citizen

Capital Fleet & Operations Partners:
For those interested in advancing in cooperative Capital Operations, we have these Capital Fleet and Operations Partners:
Javelin PMC – MilSim Lite PVP & PVE professional security, from Bounty Hunting to Capital Operations
HammertimeWOW Raid style large scale capital PVE Progression
Jump Accord – Use those caps for security of the Jump Owners. Weekend warrior (extremely light MilSim). Home of the 890th Squadron!

Supports and intends to participate in:
Operation Pitchfork – Currently weekly or more flights, but goal is large scale operations against the Vanduul

Guest PVP Instructors
Javelin PMC – MilSim Lite PVP & PVE professional security, from Bounty Hunting to Capital Operations
Shadow Vipers
Legacy Fleet – a Private Military company with a proud tradition of thorough research, an unmatched hands-on member training program, selective recruitment, and professional execution.


Refugees from the disastrous Project Farstar, the Igans were among the people who initially terraformed Armitage, in the Orion System, fled after the conflicts with the Vanduul.

More recently settling in Stanton, the Igans made their livelihood from providing scientific research teams and terraforming management to the corporations building out the newly purchased planets.

The security obsessed technicians built out a fleet of combat ships and even joined the Militia Mobilization Initiative & Civilian Defense Force to protect their projects from raiders and criminals.

Artificial Intelligence research has become a mainstay after the election of the pro-science Imperator Laylani Addison

In 2950 a schism occurred when a Quantum Physicist, now known as the Shenan, was granted prophetic visions of a transcendent humanity with dominion over the galaxy, through an “entaglement” experiment with what she has since dubbed the “Quantum Gestalt”. That vision, however, came with a warning that the Igan research developing dangerous Sentient AI would threaten not only that bright future, but the very continued existence of humankind.

After attempts to dissuade further development failed, like minded Igans rallied to the cause to prevent this dark future, forming the Shenan Theocracy.

The Theocracy is now engaged in a fight for humanity, will you come to their aid?


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.