Freelancemen / SHMECKEL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Here to help with every profession, from every corner of the ‘verse.

Hello, Fellow Freelancer! Are you looking for help, or just company in the lonely blackness of space? Well look no further, for the Freelancemen are here for all your ‘verse thriving needs!


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Here at the Freelancemen, we want to grow and expand our capabilities and help out as many growing, freelancing, pilots and citizens of the ‘verse as possible. With our four divisions, we hope to help and work with any and everyone, from the combat division’s ferocity and resilience, the support division’s willingness and bravery to save those even in the middle of battle, the industry division’s work ethic and hardiness on even the most hazardous (and ore rich) space rocks, all the way to the freelance division’s versatility and determination to get the job done and get it done right.

We hope to work with everyone from all walks of life, above all make everyone enjoy their stay. Being or making friends isn’t a requirement, but who knows? You might just work well with certain people’s methods and make a great team!

With growing numbers comes growing needs, such as entertainment and enjoyment out of being such a (hopefully) large gathering of varyingly likeminded individuals. So, we hope to organize events and come up with unique, fun ways to make every encounter, every expedition, every journey out into that inky dark universe a memorable one.

All are welcome, and even non members are welcome to join our discord server! You can join us here at


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