Team-AfterShocks / SHOX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Transport

Team-Aftershocks a European Multi-Gaming Community, for more information go to . We are actively recruiting European players, if you want to join, just go to our website.


Team Aftershocks was founded back in 2009 with the idea that a community should be run by Members for the Members. This means we do not have a designated leader, instead we have a board of members, who trough a system of democracy decide on important decisions.
As the years and the games went past we grew. Currently we are a smaller organization, but we are looking to grow in the future.
We are a group of European players aged 18 and beyond. We have players from all over Europe, with players from the UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, France and many more.


Code of Conduct

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 21:59

Forum Rules

These are our forum rules and all members must abide by them.

  • Please respect other [ShoX] members . Do not start disrespectful, rude or vulgar topics .
  • Please do not post anything illegal/racist/pornographic or something that might offend others .
  • Please read the community announcements . They may be [and usually are] very important .


We ( Moderators ) have been having a long chats about spam and its appropriateness within the forum . Now there are differing opinions, but in the end it is generally agreed that we do not want to discourage people from posting by draconian moderation or sentiments , but at the same time , spam has its place . The best place for it clearly being in the daily spam section . From now on , unnecessary spam in the games section or members’ threads will be deleted and the users warned . Please try to keep topics on track and think before you post .

Administrators (Website Team) reserve the right to delete or edit posts and ban user accounts if breach of these rules occur .

We are a friendly , gentlemanly bunch , and we want to stay that way.

Respect In The Community

At Team-Aftershocks gaming we have an age limit of 18+ and here is the reason…

Wearing the [ShoX] tags as a full member , or as a recruit , comes with a responsibility to act in accordance with the basic rules that apply to all mature , well-run clans and communities . There are many such rules but , what we are talking about here , is a respect for all fellow gamers . This is especially relevant to how we treat other ShoX members , but also applies to how you act towards non-members when you are playing on our server , or other servers , posting on forums and , basically , any time you are representing the Team-Aftershocks gaming community . Respect is a very broad subject and requires a lot of common-sense ( hence the age limit ) but you should never ever disrespect anybodies nationality , faith , race or religion . If anyone , member or non-member , is being disrespectful to you then please try not to be disrespectful back to them but report the abuse to an admin and let them deal with the matter – i.e the offending player can be kicked from the server . The ill-feeling that abuse can cause within a friendly community like ours is enormous , so any of our members caught breaking these rules will be warned about his behaviour and , if he transgresses again , will be removed from the community .

Remember that wearing the [ShoX] tags comes with a responsibility to act with dignity and maturity

Gentlemanly Gameplay

We want to bring back the days of honest-to-goodness gentlemanly play . If you are disrespectful towards other players i.e. constant goading in Teamspeak , player abuse , persistent and unnecessary chatter, you shall receive a warning as to your conduct/be kicked from server and be asked to change your attitude .

Leniency in the past has led to some ridiculously long and drawn out procedures . None of the people who actually run this community want to give up their time to deal with people who are not willing to comply with the rules they agreed to abide by when they signed up . It is hoped that this will ensure gentlemanly conduct at all times , on all servers, and consideration for other members and the fun that we are all here to enjoy .

If you are not doing your utmost to uphold those values , you will find that the community will move on without you.

No Hacking Policy

All our members follow a No Hacking/Cheating Policy and we try help the anti-cheat community by streaming to PBBans on all our gaming servers . If you use any form of Hacks/Cheats you can stop reading because we wont accept you into our community .

By applying to join our community you give us the right to trace for any Hacking or Cheating offenses you may have accumulated , using any means necessary . We run checks on all Recruits before they are accepted as a Full Members .

If any member/recruit is caught using Cheats/Hacks they will be ejected from the community and banned from all our servers without warning .

Strong Disciplinary Procedures

Our moderators reserve the right to invoke our disciplinary process upon any infraction of any rule of membership and this applies to game servers , Teamspeak , X-fire , Steam , Gametracker and forum activity .

Our community was founded on fair play and strictly enforced rules . It should never be necessary to warn a full member about ungentlemanly conduct or any rule breaking at all . All members should be fully aware of our “gentlemanly conduct” policy and of the forum/server rules which we all agree to abide by when we sign up , so that should be the end of the matter .

All of our members should be leading by example and we will not tolerate any individual spoiling other peoples fun .

First Warning

If a player is asked to alter their conduct by either the senior member (Moderator) team or title member , they are expected to comply immediately . Failure to do so will result in that player being kicked from the servers they are on at that time. They will be warned informally at the time of the kick by in-game message, or Teamspeak/Steam/pm.
h6. Second Warning

Upon a second instance of rule-breaking , the offending player will be kicked from the server they are on , and given a formal written warning by personal message .
h6. Ejection Time

Any further infraction may result in immediate demotion or ejection from the community without warning .

Community Communication

Use of in-game names

Could all members please try , wherever possible , to use the same name for all different aspects of the community , i.e registered name on the website , Teamspeak and in-game ( including Battlelog , Steam etc ) . This is , basically , to make indentification easy for all members of the Team-Aftershocks community . If you ever decide to change your name , please change it on all the different formats and make a thread in the forum to inform everyone of your new name .

Use of TeamSpeak

The use of Teamspeak is compulsory for every member playing on our servers . It is vital that we are able to communicate with one another at all times when playing together . Those persistently reneging on this rule will find themselves being kicked from the server , or in extreme cases , asked to leave the community . If this is a serious issue for any member then you are welcome to PM any of the Moderators and discuss the matter .

Please note that if you have a friend that wishes to use Teamspeak as a ‘Visitor’ – that person should , at least , be registered to the website so that we can keep track of them .

TeamSpeak – Usernames / Phonetic names
When using Teamspeak you must use a username which is the same as your forum username . The phonetic name must also be the same . This is for ease of identification but also for clarity . I know multiple people have amusing phonetic names and thats fair enough in the past but , please , no more . We have quite a lot of members now and its nice to be able to know who you are talking to or who has joined the channel/Server . If your forum name is a long one , and you are commonly known by a shortened nickname , then this is fine to have the shortened name as your phonetic name if you want . We do not want to see our Teamspeak abused in any way .

Playing on Team-Aftershocks servers

At Team-Aftershocks we will always try to provide game-servers on the most popular currently played games .
When you become part of this community you should do so on the understanding that you will support these servers whenever possible .
Bear in mind that we are a multi-gaming community so , if you are playing other games that we are not currently running a server on , you are always welcome to come onto Teamspeak and play those games with no pressure to play on the current ShoX servers . What we are talking about here is members playing the games that we actually are running servers on , and there are two main points :-
Populating the server

Populating the ShoX servers , especially the main server that we currently have , is obviously very important . We would not expect members to try to populate an empty server with only 2 or 3 people , but if there are enough people (say 4 or 5) on TS playing the game then it should be your duty to give your time to try and populate if possible .
Playing on the server

Once populated it is in the best interests of everyone in the community for as many people as possible to be playing on the server(s) . It always looks better for randoms coming onto the server , it helps keep the server populated and its always preferable for admins to be present .

Remember that any community/clan is only as strong as its main server so please try to support these ideas as much as possible . If you’re not prepared to do this then ask yourself why you want to be in this community in the first place .

Inactivity / Wearing different Tags
As our membership grows it is essential that we try to keep a track , wherever possible , of all our members .
We are a casual gaming community but , if you are going to be inactive for a long period of time , could you please let us know using the AWOL section of the forums .
We would frown on any members wearing ‘Tags’ of other clans/communities and this may lead to their removal from the community . However , if you have a legitimate reason for doing so ( eg playing competitively with a clan on a game on which we dont offer competitive play ) , and want to remain in the community , then just let us know to save any confusion .
It would also be very helpful if , for any reason , you decide to leave the community that you could inform us of this so we can keep our membership list up-to-date.

Interested in Competitive Matches?

Here at Team-Aftershocks , in addition to the standard community public servers , fun events and large wars etc , we also try to offer more competitive options for all interested community members . If you think you’d like to give competitive gaming a go then please read on …


Before signing up for any of the below please note that you are agreeing to the standard principles that we try to abide by within the Team-Aftershocks gaming community . These principles were agreed as being in the best interest of the community as a whole but any changes can be suggested , and agreed to , by the majority of community members in one of the monthly community meetings .

All competitive teams are ONLY open to FULL MEMBERS . Each team has a set Roster of players – minimum number needed for team , 2/3 reserves and a War Co-ordinator . When a place becomes available try-outs will be opened up to community members . The Team will be decided by the current team and the War Co-ordinator. (The War Co-ordinator retains the right to remove players from the roster for poor attendance and inappropriate or anti social behavior) Match details will be published up in the official events section of the forums . Players are expected to monitor these forums regularly . Selection for matches is based on a combination of training attendance , availability and War Co-ordinators’ / Team Captains’ choices .

Before each match we try to have at least one training session to walk through the map , name key areas and come up with tactics . If you wish to be involved in the match we recommend turning up for these sessions . During these training sessions there is a NO tolerance attitude towards team killing or general fooling around . You will be removed from the session and/or banned from upcoming matches if you do not abide with this rule .

Don’t be afraid to have your say, we welcome all ideas and input. Input towards match tactics, ladder activity, team organization etc are always welcome.

***Inactive players may be removed from the official League Tables and Team Rosters by the War Co-ordinators / Team Captains.

Any complaints or Questions can be brought to The Head Organiser Venom3185.


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