Shubin Shipping and Security / SHUSHIPSEC

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

In the lands of plenty, with the many left wanting, we all must hold steadfast against the inevitable or follow the path.


Over the years, Shubin Shipping and Security has handled its fair share of encounters with disruptions in logistics, yet time and again we prevail in securing trade routes, and ensuring cargo makes it into the hands of the right people.


It is our mission, our solemn promise, to ensure the good people of the UEE receive the goods and services required to maintain the high quality of life expected in the 30th century, and for the last 30 years have striven to make that goal a reality.


  • When large shipments of valuable goods from questionable distributors enter our shipping lanes, we will request proper authorization and liberate the shipper’s contents if proper documentations are not broadcast.
  • When patrolling major shipments, we will do so in coordinated groups.
  • If there is an exchange of fire, all available craft will neutralize hostile fighters and immobilize larger vessels.
  • Boarding parties will minimize collateral damage by securing cargo and assuring a peaceful transition of questionable goods to SSS transportation and facilities for further inspection,