Echo Star Armada / SIK

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Welcome to Echo Star Armada, we are a Corporation made up of a conglomerate of intergalactic workforces. Trade, Transport, Travel, Security, Luxury, Manufacturing and more. Take a look around. Join our ranks, and be apart of something greater, our doors are always open.


Echo Star Armada was founded in 2950 by a small group of entrepreneurs looking to make a difference. CEO DeltaLima comes from a background in large team management and execution with a track record to show it. And CEO PureState comes from a Military Background between the two of them over 40 years of (real life) Experience doing what they do best. So what do they have to say about this new chapter?

ESA excels in Precision, Execution, and Expansion. From Executive transport, to wiping out bandits that threaten your home, to moving and building your next home! ESA has a solution for your needs. Weather you want to travel safely to Pyro and back, or you just won a ship at the tables and need your winnings to carefully be towed home, ESA has a ship and crew waiting to help!

Want to join the ranks? We would love to have you! Bringing your own fleet with? Great choice! With ESA you would bring your ships into a fleet that matters. ESA knows your time and investments are important, so come right in and become a part of the future.

Delve in to mass mining brigades, long haul trade and transport, Military combat, High Quality Construction. Echo Star Armada will be the face of our future. What are you waiting for?


Space Exploration is not a sport nor a creed – but a way of being for those who embrace curiosity, cherish freedom, and delight in discovering the unknown. We are merely guests in the void, and the more we are accepted by its inhabitants, the incredible races and creatures of the universe, the deeper our understanding of what perfect life out here can be. This is the knowledge we strive for, the experience we live for, the prize we seek.


ESA Charter –

Common goal
• Try new roles and experiences within our Org structure
• Work together more and ask for help often
• Maintain a level of self awareness while crewing a ship

Values and principles
• Have a diverse portfolio of job type experience
• Gain skills and rep wherever possible

Potential obstacles
• Crew is just as important as pilots if not more
• Time constraints
• Profit Sharing

Ground rules
• Respect
• Everyone pulling his or her weight
• Everyone makes an effort for equal participation across the org
• Protect the Org and each other

• Ship owners are advised to pay crew as a 30/70 split, 30% to Ship owner/Pilot 70% split among their crew
This is not forced, but calculated and recommended

• Abide by the rules described above
• Be legendary
• Have fun
• Come to CEO’s for any internal issues