Silver Jack / SILVERJACK

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to Silver Jack, where expeditious hauling is our specialty! Have a look around and feel free to contact us regarding contracts, applications, and questions.


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What is it?
The Swift Trade Consortium (SwiftCo) is a collection of companies owned and operated by a Board of Directors. These companies currently consist of: SilverJack Industries, WhiteWolfe Security, and GoldFox Acquisitions, working in mutual profit within the boundaries of policies created by the Board of Directors. Each Director is responsible for the government of their respective company, and its cooperation with SwiftCo’s other branches allowing for resource sharing and ease of membership transfer from one company to another according to personnel needs and the personal interests of our members.

Sounds fancy and all, but how does it work?
Our infrastructure is built upon what we’re calling the “Ship Rank” system. Instead of placing the focus on the ranks of individual players (Lieutenant, Commander, ect.) we want to emphasize the personality and importance of our ships. We believe ships should serve as a mark of achievement, something to indicate how important your daily job is and how hard you worked to get there. Our members do carry traditional titles such as Captain, Commander, or Ensign; but their rank within the corporation depends on what ship they’re assigned to and that ship’s mission. Here is an example:

Let’s say we have a SilverJack freighting ship called the Aluminum Falcon. Her mission is a series of cargo runs from one side of the Empire to the other, meeting a few of SilverJack’s trade partner’s along the way to do regular, easy business. It’s in a safe region of space with little threat of danger, but the ship’s crew does need to have certain skills. They can’t be complete newbies. Therefore, the Aluminum Falcon may be a rank 2 ship. “Rank 2” indicates the abilities expected of the ship and her crew, regardless of individual player title. Even though there are players in the crew who refer to one another as “Captain” or “Ensign”, those titles are separate from the rank they share in the company. They are a rank 2 crew because they are assigned to a rank 2 ship.

In the example you can see the importance was not placed on the Aluminum Falcon’s captain or crew, but on her mission. This, combined with an intuitive way to move players where they’re needed, will mitigate any player-based issues. If an engineer, gunner, or even captain one day decides to stop playing Star Citizen, the rest of his/her crew won’t suffer as much for it, because the ship and her mission continues regardless of individual loss. Our next question will help explain how those positions are filled in such an event.

I’ve played MMO’s with guild alliances before. What makes this any different?
Normally when guilds share an alliance, they maintain their individual governments. “Guild A” has no say how “Guild B” functions, and their members cannot transfer back and forth to experience both guilds. SwiftCo does not share that limitation. Members may choose to start their career in GoldFox, for example, but one day decide they’d like a change of employment to something more combat related and request a transfer to WhiteWolfe Security. And since a Board of Directors governs both GoldFox and WhiteWolfe, you can expect very familiar policies, regulations, and rank recognition. Simply put, the transfer should a simple and enjoyable experience. This also allows for one SwiftCo branch in need of more personnel to request contractors, and anyone willing to switch jobs can do so with minimal issue.

So I can switch back and forth between all three companies at any time? Is there a catch?
Keep in mind our Board Members’ role is to maintain steady operation across all companies. If you request a transfer that is exceptionally difficult to arrange or if your absence would significantly harm your current ship’s mission, you may be asked to wait until circumstances change or a replacement can be found. With that said, it is in the best interest of all that we be allowed to experience everything Star Citizen has to offer, and our Board of Directors are working hard to allow that.

So what job opportunities are their? What is it the companies DO exactly?

SilverJack Freight & Courier: [piloting, mining, freighting, exploration, smuggling] There are many freight and/or courier services out there, but SilverJack’s specialty is speed—discreet service for “sensitive” cargo is negotiable. Built to be faster and more reliable than its competitors, SilverJack is where you’ll find the best pilots SwiftCo has to offer; and in their free time crews can be found mining, making friends, or simply enjoying the locale. If your idea of fun is traveling, meeting people, and occasionally sticking your neck out for a fat payday, then SilverJack is for you.


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