• Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

i am starting an exploration & trading ORG. i ll be looking for pilots for defense and escort of cargo also looking for those looking to join multi crew ships.anyone is welcome casual or regular players to join hope you can join me in the verse


we have no history as of yet we need you to join us to make history


here at SKYLINE EXPLORATION & TRADING would like to welcome you to join our organization if you decide to join.
our intentions are not to become the biggest or most powerful organization.our main goal is EXPLORING the vast expanse of the universe discover new planets,jump points,species well you get the picture who knows.of course we’re all about TRADING also so to cover costs of these expeditions.any an all profits will be divided between all members and the organization evenly but if you lets say you discover a new jump point , planet etc. you will keep 70-80% of profits the rest will be divided to the rest of members and org.we also help our members in need of help at any time in any situation so with you help we can grow into profitable , safe and fun organization.
hope you will consider joining us.
see you in the verce


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