Sledgehammer Hazardous Yield Thermal Extraction / SLDGHMMR

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading

We find solutions to all your hazardous materials mining, refining and distribution needs! We are capable of mining, hauling, purifying or producing whatever specialized propulsion energies that you demand. Remember, when you run out of fuel and are floating dead in space, call 1-800-SHTSTRM!


About Us: The company was initially founded by UEE vets facing involuntary early retirement or reserve status as part of a service-wide downsizing. While the founders possessed reasonable assets, they wisely acquired excess Navy hardware that had been declared “surplus and/or obsolete” and was therefore subject to resale to the public through the Assets Selected for Sellback, Rates As Per Equity Declared program.

The company’s acquisition of this equipment has been shrouded in controversy. How the company obtained a relatively new fully loaded warship with front line hardware, complete with all of the appropriate and correct documentation when everyone who would have had to authorize the transfer do not recall doing so and there are no obvious “smoking guns”, such as unexplained credit deposits or sudden retirements, to provide leads. All other acquisitions show the same characteristics. No one in the company was known to possess the skills required for such an elaborate electronic deception, and there is a similar lack of payments to the usual suspects in that regard. The consensus remains that the transactions APPEAR to be above board and legal, yet simply cannot be.

Sadly, due to a software error in the navigation systems during a routine transport, all the previously acquired equipment and ships were reportedly destroyed when they were accidently routed through the sun of the Stanton system. Thankfully, all personnel on board the ships were able to safely evacuate and were rescued by a passing freighter, the SS Black Joke.

As a side note, every few years an up and coming, eager investigator will reopen the case, convinced that they would be the one with the clever insight that would shed new light on the obvious inconsistencies. Predictably, those investigators are left grasping smoke in the wind. These investigations always make interstellar headlines when the liberal news reports yet another investigation into Sledgehammer, to which the Company responds by throwing a huge party, celebrating the past success and generally making a nuisance of itself in the investigator’s home town. Company Co-Presidents Antonio Accardio and Solomon Steel routinely lead parades through the town, astride ancient, loud, petrochemical burning conveyances nicknamed “HOGs”, leaving clouds of exhaust and trails of rubber in their wake. Company employees, most of them veterans themselves, find the entire spectacle amusing. The extreme leftist media is highly disparaging, or in the words of one rather miffed correspondent, “their shared love of noise, concussion, violence, and doing things solely for a grin is a disgrace. The sooner they are charged, tried, convicted, and incarcerated for their obvious crimes, or recalled to active duty where their antisocial and Myrmidon-istic tendencies are encouraged, the better.” These parties have the side effect of being phenomenal recruitment drives, both for the UEE and Sledgehammer itself, so local authorities, the Advocacy, and the Navy generally just smile and send Sledgehammer the bill for cleanup afterwards, usually without padding it too much.


Sledgehammer Hazardous Yield Thermal Extraction Service, Transportation Ops, Refining & Mfg

Motto: We find solutions to all your hazardous materials mining, refining and distribution needs! We are capable of mining, hauling, purifying or producing whatever specialized propulsion energies that you demand. Remember, when you run out of fuel and are floating dead in space, call 1-800-SHTSTRM!

At the end of the day, even mercs and pricks need the three B’s of logistics: Beans, Bullets, and Burnables. At Sledgehammer, we aim to provide top shelf logistics support to anyone with the creds. However, we also understand that delivering those logistics can mean directly to the target’s forehead. We maintain a live and let die attitude, but will also take scalps as required.


1. Humor is welcome! If someone is offended by a joke, apologize and move on; if you’re offended, state that and then move on. There’s no need to go into depth on the matter.

2. Discord etiquette:
## A. The Discord server may be used while playing other games, but this rule may change in the future.
## B. The Discord server is only to be used by Organization members, unless authorized on a case-by-case basis by an officer.
## C. Discord server settings and passwords are strictly not to be shared with players outside the Organization, unless authorized by an officer.
## D. Discord Group Channel rooms can be used for private discussions including settling arguments/disputes.
## E. During some large guild raids/events, Discord silence may be requested. During those times only the guild officers or raid leader should communicate to members via Discord. Guild Chat can be used to communicate between members and any suggestions, advice or contributions towards the raid can also be done through a private whisper to the raid/event leader.
## F. Members should always be courteous and polite within Discord. Speaking over others deliberately and repeatedly, is not acceptable.

3. Members who have been inactive within the game for a period of 1 month may be removed from the Organization. When the Organization reaches maximum capacity, this period could be reduced to a limit of 7 days, should there be a waiting list of members wanting to join the Organization.

4. For any long periods of absence due to unavoidable real-life situations, members should contact an officer and make them aware as to prevent being removed from the Organization.

5. Organization events will commence at the scheduled time and signed up members must make every effort to be punctual. If you are late, you may be replaced at the event leader’s discretion. Please don’t take offence as this is just to avoid the entire group from being delayed, nothing personal will be intended.