Smile Co. / SMILE

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Resources
  • Trading



SDC’s primary directive is to maintain high levels of Smiles Per Gallon (SPG). SPG is a proprietary analytic developed by our incredible Starman Resources team—months of intensive research have yielded that SPG can be effectively maximized through the generation of maximum ganks and salt production.

Moving forward, SDC will proactively leverage enterprise level solutions on a macro scale while simultaneously increasing our brand recognition and spinning up even more client outreach initiatives in order to generate client specific emergent content and maximum SPGs. Informed with the latest data via our social media research, we hope to further increase both our internal smile metrics and starman satisfaction rates.



  1. Maximize SPG.
  2. Mine Salt.
  3. Fly as hardcore as possible, as much as possible.