The Brotherhood / SOB

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

It’s all about who you know. Become a trusted member of the verse with connections. Our members come from all walks of life and all classes of society. All we ask is that when a Brother is in trouble, come to his defence and he will do the same. Loyalty to your brother is the most important thing.


The Brotherhood is apprised of members of all walks of life dedicated to the protection and survival of the human race. Our jurisdiction is the verse and our mission is one of peace as long as it doesn’t interfere with the right of the human race to prosper and flourish.

Joining The Brotherhood; Join in the same way you would join a labor union or any societal organization like the Masons or the Shriners. The Brotherhood wants to infiltrate every organization in the verse, constructing a virtual web of brothers with one mind and one goal, prosperity.

The Brotherhood is no secret. We will be respected or we will be feared.

*[Mature players who don’t take many things seriously]


There are SOB’s in all walks of life, and their numbers are growing larger by the day. I’m sure you know one, two or three, hell; you might even be one yourself. Don’t be afraid to admit what you are. The sooner you are able to come to the realization that you are an SOB, the sooner you can get on with your life. And, oh what a wonderful life it is. It’s time to make it official. Join up today! Imagine being in an ever expanding brotherhood of people just like you, who would come to your aid at the drop of a helmet. We take care of our own. Once you’re in the brotherhood you’re in it for life, no matter what your situation might be. If you can’t trust your brother, who can you trust?


When you join brotherhood you go through a trial period in which you are scrutinized by other brothers to see if you are what we are looking for. At this time you are not allowed to call yourself a brother, you are simply a recruit. Although you are not officially a brother as of yet, you still are under the protection of the brotherhood. Once you are accepted you become a soldier for the brotherhood. At this level you are still not a brother, but it is from this lot that the brothers are chosen. Some of you might not wish to progress further in the brotherhood and stay a soldier, this is fine. For those who wish to advance and display an outstanding level of valor, trustfulness and respect, you will be asked to take the ritual to become a Brother . There will be one elder Brother that is elevated to the rank of Big Brother Sgt Major as a reward for serving their brothers through various means. The rank of Lieutenant can be reached by one having the rank of Brother, for displaying unprecedented loyalty to the Brotherhood as a whole. All Lieutenants have command of all lower ranks; this power is given to them by the Chief. Should the Chief resign, step down or fall in battle the succession would fall to the Big Brother Sgt Major. It is impossible for a Lieutenant to become Chief, succession is done this way to stay off a coup.