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Slavers Of Nul / SON

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Smuggling
  • Transport

Heard in the Wind

“Dangerous star, ugly planets, it’s like this whole system was just born hostile. – Excerpt from System Assessment by Malcolm Fitch, Surveyor, 2619


Travel Warning

While a certain level of criminal activity is expected in all unclaimed systems, Advocacy Crime Stats indicate that Nul is suffering from an increased level of attacks on civilians including abductions and murder.


UEE Propaganda Piece via Galactic Guide: Nul System

In recent decades, Nul has become home to a traveling slave market, which assembles at various points in the system at seemingly random times and locations. Travelers are warned to avoid Nul at all costs; where there is sometimes honor among pirates, there is never any among slavers. The quickest ticket to a life of forced labor is showing up at an exchange with a cargo of unwilling captives and learning that your buyers are just as interested in taking cargo pilots.


Slavery under this definition will include all forced labor systems, such as historical forced labor by prisoners, labor camps and other forms of free labor, in which laborers are legally considered property.