Sons of the Phoenix / SONSP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

We are the Sons of the Phoenix. A veteran fleet that was thought lost or destroyed by the Vandul many years ago.

We have returned to seek vengeance against the Vandul and the UEE for abandoning us. We Seek to form a new empire from the ashes of the fleet.

We are born and end in the flames…….


In 2792 Imperator Erin Toi who overthrew Imperator Linton Messer XI in 2792 due to his dealings in the infamous Massacre of Garron II started to rebuild The UEE after a corrupt and destructive care of Linton Messer XI.
The UEE in 2799 understood the need to increase the number of fleets it had. This was in response to the growing threat by the Vandul whos raids and attacks were leaving outposts in flames and the UEE fighting on many fronts with a limited number of fleets. In 2801 Imperator Erin Toi Launched the first of these fleets to combat on the UEE Vandul front.

The fleet Was made up of Two Javelin Class capital ships the Flagship UEE Renegade and the UEE Fearless 4 Idris class frigates UEE Shamrock, UEE Heartless, UEE Serenity and UEE Crain. One Pegasus class carrier UEE North Star she carried 3 squadrons of gladius fighters and a collection of support craft. The fleet also carried a Ground force with the ability to strike at any land target with great force and stealth.

The fleets purpose was to launch stealth raids against Vandul Strongholds and supply routes making attacks into UEE space hard. After its first year in deployment the fleet became know as the Phoenix Fleet due its ability to appear from the dark of space and erupt in fire and leave nothing but fire and ash in its wake. Due to its 12 year success the UEE tried this with 2 more types of fleet but none really matched the early success that the Phoenix Fleet had.

On March 4th 2813 after a string of successful attacks on vandul staging areas and on its way back to UEE space for repairs the Fleet was meant to meet another UEE fleet to escort them back to safe space as reports of a huge Vandul force was in the area. As the Phoenix Fleet reached its meet up point the second UEE fleet was nowhere to be seen. After a few hours the long range sensors picked up what was thought to be the second UEE Fleet. It soon became clear that this was not but a huge Vandul fleet 3 times the size of the phoenix fleet.

Already with ship in need of rearm and repair the fleet Admiral Henry Briggs commanded that a desperate defence would be mounted while distress call was made to hurry the second fleet. The return call that haunted all that herd it is that due to the presence of the huge Vandul fleet in the area that the second fleet was recalled weeks ago and it was an ‘‘oversight’‘ that the phoenix Fleet was not informed.

A very desperate message was then made back to UEE command to no reply, suffering heavy losses and to have already lost the two of the 4 frigates in escort the UEE Crain UEE shamrock and over half the fighters a call was made by Admiral Henry Briggs to make a hurried fighting withdraw to the nearest planet. As this call was made the UEE carrier North Star took a torpedo in through the hanger doors and detonated inside the hanger causing a sudden and devastating explosion. From the huge explosion the flagship UEE Renegade suffer huge damage to the quantum drive and its shielding leaving her crippled and limping. with that last two frigates destroyed the only ship remaining was the UEE Fearless. Admiral Henry Briggs gave the commander of the Fearless Commander Edward Hall one last order to fall back to the closest planet and take all reaming craft with him. After this last message the renegades escape shuttle and pods we launched and a few crew including the Admiral Henry Briggs stayed aboard.

The Renegade used what power it had left and made a direct line for the command Vandul ship and spearheaded it in the side. Reports from the battle say a scream was heard just as the two huge ships collided that sounded like an eagle. Some who were present say it was as if it was the dying song of the Phoenix.

after the battle no reports came about the last ships or the crew that made it away from the battle. Only a few survivors found in the wreckage gave account of the battle. Many years later reports for deep space traders and explorers speak of a strange set of UEE ships seen in neutral space with strange markings of a phoenix on the hull that vanish as soon as they are seen some say its a ghost fleet or just ramblings of deep space traders too long in the deep black of space.

but as legend goes of the phoenix who would rise from the ashes to be born a new, and a few say that if the Fearless did survive would she come back to haunt those that left the Fleet to its destruction?


Our aim is set to claim a part of the galaxy as our own and through this we will provide a secure section through the means of relentless violence. We look to provide any help to the weak and needy with our long battle history and veteran soldiers we provide a professional service. we can ensure the job get done and space we control stays free from pirates and enemy races.

We can provide escorts, assault operations, anti piracy operations and ground based operations.

If you wish to use us the contact us for more information.


-Always fight to the last man
-be relentless in your aggression
-never do anything to dishonor the fleet
-always fulfill the contract.
-lend aid when it is needed.
- leave no Vunduul ship left untouched.
-respect the chain of command.