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Soldiers Of Safe Haven / SOSH

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Medical
  • Security

Born of necessity over desire; created simply as a safe haven for all citizens to live and work in the ancient city known as San Andreas on Earth. The ideology of Soldiers of Safe Haven spread to the ‘Verse to offer protection, aid, and be a welcoming entity for those old and new to Star Citizen.


Soldiers of Safe Haven, a shadowy and enigmatic group, emerged from the tumultuous aftermath of the GTA Online grieving epidemic. In those early days, when the digital landscape was still malleable, they forged their own servers—a sanctuary where kindred spirits could gather, live, and collaborate. This virtual haven was more than just code and data; it was a refuge for those seeking solace in a chaotic world.

Yet, like constellations drifting apart, the community fractured over time. Some vanished into the digital ether, while others faced the harsh realities of life beyond the screen. The original members faded into obscurity, their stories whispered only in the digital winds.

But the core tenet endured: to heal the wounded and guide the lost. As the universe expanded, so did their mission. No longer confined to mere lines of code, they transcended the boundaries of space. Their purpose shifted—to safeguard citizens across the known cosmos, one soul at a time. From rogue AI to cosmic anomalies, they stood vigilant, offering sanctuary against the abyss.

And so, the Soldiers of Safe Haven persisted, their legacy etched in the binary fabric of existence. Their true identities obscured, their deeds woven into the cosmic tapestry. A clandestine force, ever watchful, ever ready—a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of uncertainty


** Compassion and Empathy*
We believe in the inherent value of players’ time and enjoyment. We are not a griefing organization and it is one of the few things we will not tolerate.

** Cooperation*
Together…we are stronger. Every member is an equal and while there are ranks and levels within the org, no one is above anyone else. Our hierarchy is most applicable during org events.

** Service*
We embrace the “Its a trap!!!!” rescue beacons and make sacrifices to help others. While we all strive to make money, altruism is what sets us apart.

Not only for the Haven as an entity, but for the members as a group. We hope our shared motivations will allow for making bank and having fun.

