Soteria Defense Initiative / SOTERIA

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

“Salvatores oppressorum” We are the salvation of the oppressed.


Established in 2953, the Soteria Defense Initiative has been conceived as a direct result of rampant piracy in the Stanton system. Founded by mercenaries and bounty hunters to restore order to trade routes and punish those who prey on others.

SDI is made up of two separate divisions focused on their level of organization engagement.

The first and smaller unit is our Knights of Soteria Division (KOS) which is made up of our hardcore dedicated combat teams who are consistently drilled in combined arms tactics. They are our most elite heavy forces that are tasked with the most dangerous or covert missions. These Knights are the anchor of our organization and bear an oath to remain faithful to our values.

The Second Division is our Soteria Citizens Fleet (SCF). This unit makes up our paramilitary fleet who are less uniform and therefore able to act more flexibly and independently from the organization and make up the bulk of the Soterian forces. Just as important as our Knights, they are on call to be deployed on a broad range of small or large scale missions where our lines must be strengthened with numbers. The SCF are also reserves and logistics fleets which bolster support to extend the range and scope of our capabilities.


We are determined to hunt down any pirate groups or predatory organizations, as well as protect trade convoys between destinations. Additionally, as an on call PMC, we specialize in general deterrence and security, strike and extraction teams, recovery operations, medical rescue, logistics, and reconnaissance to support the missions of any individual or organization, anywhere in the verse.


General rules to abide by:
1. Don’t be a scummy jerk
2. Don’t be a whiney jerk
3. If you are in a position of authority, do not abuse it under any circumstances or you will be removed
4. We play for fun, this is a video game

Operational rules to abide by:
1. All members must carry themselves with a modicum of professionalism under our banner while interacting with customers
2. Following the chain of command may not be required, but is often important for victory. Above all, you must be willing to do what is necessary to complete the objective, even if you must improvise.
3. Missions may change, be flexible within reason, especially when it comes to our customers. Adapt to the mission as you see fit and relay significant information to your chain of command so that potential situations can be accounted for and support can be adjusted.
4. Fleet members are encouraged but not required to wear the uniform and use common weapons during large operations to more easily identify individuals and simplify ammunition logistics.