Space Bums / SPACEBUMS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Engineering

Space Bums – Odd Jobs by Odd Balls.


Year 0: The Great Banana Launch

Space Bums’ founder, Cytreen Spiegel, accidentally launches the first spaceship—a giant banana—while trying to make a smoothie. The crew spends weeks floating in orbit, surviving on banana splits.

Year 1: The Cosmic Dance-Off

Space Bums challenge a rival crew to a zero-G dance battle. Captain Disco Nebula performs the wormhole waltz, winning the title of Galactic Groove Champion. The trophy? A glittery moon rock.

Year 2: The Great Space Snack Shortage

Space Bums run out of cosmic popcorn during a movie night. Desperate measures ensue: crew members start nibbling on asteroid crumbs and stardust. Captain Munch Crunch declares, “This is nacho average snack!”

Year 3: First Contact with the Quoktopians

Space Bums encounter a friendly alien species—the Quoktopians. They communicate through interpretive dance and share their recipe for quasar quiche. Turns out, quasars are quite cheesy.

Year 4: The Great Space Bum Rebellion

Crew members revolt against the mandatory wearing of cosmic onesies. The rebellion is quelled when Captain Sparkle Unicorn unveils the ultimate onesie: a rainbow-striped, jet-powered suit.

Year 5: The Interstellar Karaoke War

Space Bums engage in a fierce karaoke battle with the rival crew, the Astro Crooners. Hits include “Rocket Man” (sung while orbiting Mars) and “Bohemian Rhapsody (in Zero-G).” The universe applauds.

Year 6: The Black Hole Incident

Space Bums accidentally steer the Banana Cruiser into a black hole. Inside, they discover a cosmic disco where time moves backward. Captain Funky Wormhole learns the Macarena in reverse.

Year 7: The Great Space Munchies

Space Bums encounter a nebula made entirely of space nachos. They spend days floating through cheesy goodness, occasionally shouting, “Dude, this is nacho average snack!”

Year 8: The Quasar Comedy Tour

Space Bums perform stand-up comedy for alien civilizations. Their best joke: “Why did the neutron star refuse to pay its parking ticket? Because it had no charge!”

Year 9: The Grand Galactic Tea Party

Space Bums host a tea party on the rings of Saturn. The dress code: spacesuits with top hats and monocles. Captain Earl Grey serves cosmic chamomile and asteroid scones.

Year 10: The Infinite Afterparty

Space Bums celebrate their millennium by throwing an afterparty in the Andromeda Galaxy. The DJ? DJ Quasar Beats. The dance floor? A swirling vortex of stardust and laughter.

Space Bums—where gravity is optional, laughter is mandatory, and the universe is our playground.


Who Are We?

The Space Bums is an organization dedicated to maximizing enjoyment while exploring all that Star Citizen has to offer. We strive to create an inclusive environment where members are not burdened by a complex, military-like structure or made to feel inferior or superior based on the size of their personal fleet. At Space Bums, everyone is equal. While we maintain an organized structure, we do not have ranks, commanding officers, or drill sergeants. Our primary goal is to have fun in the next BDSS!

Respecting Time and Having Fun

At Space Bums, we understand that everyone’s time is valuable. We are all here to enjoy Star Citizen and make the most of our gaming experience. Therefore, we prioritize respecting each other’s time and commitments. Whether you have a few minutes or several hours to play, your participation is always appreciated.

We encourage members to communicate their availability and preferences openly. This helps us plan activities that everyone can enjoy without feeling rushed or pressured. Our goal is to create a relaxed and enjoyable environment where fun is the primary focus.

Remember, Space Bums is about having a good time and exploring the vast universe of Star Citizen together. Let’s make every moment count and ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued.

What Do We Do?

Space Bums aims to experience every aspect of Star Citizen, from bounty hunting and mercenary work to trading, exploring, mining, and even a bit of pirating. We embrace all play styles and encourage members to explore how each one works. We are not bound by any specific rules on how to play the game. However, we do offer optional activities for our members, including:

  • Vanduul Swarm co-op matches
  • Inter-org PvP matches across various game modes
  • “Random gaming nights” where we play games other than Star Citizen
  • Flight training for those who want to improve their dogfighting skills

Why Are We Like This?

We have observed that many organizations adopt a military-like structure, which can alienate players who prefer a more relaxed environment. We aim to appeal to players who want to play with a group without being bossed around, those who prefer to play with a few friends, and those who want to command their own ship as they see fit. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible.

Mission Classifications

To sustain our organization, we undertake missions and jobs from other organizations. Each job falls into one of three classifications, which indicate the level of risk and survivability for the player:

  • Normal: Missions open to all standing organization members, provided they have the necessary equipment. These missions carry some risk, so preparation is essential.
  • S-Class: Missions reserved for seasoned members. These are extremely risky and may require logistical and tactical support from multiple squads. Unprepared members may experience perma-death.
  • SS-Class: The most challenging missions, requiring multiple wings with full CIC and logistical support. Only members who have completed S-Class missions are eligible.

Free Form Structure (F.F.S)

Under the F.F.S, ship captains have the freedom to run their ships as they see fit. Each captain is responsible for their crew’s actions at all times. Members are encouraged to form ad-hoc groups with other online members, establishing a command structure for the duration of the session. F.F.S groups do not hold rank over other members, but players are expected to follow their captain’s orders when crewing another player’s ship.

No More Member Ranks

Unlike traditional ranking systems, we do not segregate members by arbitrary ranks. Every member, regardless of the number or cost of their ships, is considered an equal and integral part of Space Bums.


Section 1.

Statement of Purpose

The Space Bums is an Organization dedicated to having as much fun experiencing all that Star Citizen has to offer. This will include all aspects of the game, mercenary work, bounty hunter, trading, information brokering, exploration, and industrial manufacturing. The Space Bums organization will provide a collectivized goal in which many can thrive. It is our mission to experience the many aspects of the game while having as much fun as possible. None of our members should ever have to feel that Star Citizen is a second job.

Section 2.

Keys to Success

We aim to misbehave. (Section will be filled upon the release of game mechanics details)

Section 3.

Organization Structure

The Organization is structured in a way to allow as much flexibility as per the games many aspects. Employing a laissez-fair approach, the Organization uses a three headed model for its leadership, The Council. In the event that Organizations policies need to be amended/changed/addendum they must gain the unanimous support of the Counsel to be ratified/enacted. If the amended/changed/addendum to the Organizations policies do not have unanimous support the Council will deliberate and make changes and/or modify the proposed in order to reach a unanimous decision. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached the proposed will be struck down. Any decision agreed upon by the Council will be given adequate time for the organizations members to review.

  • The Council – The leadership of the Organization comprised of its founding members. They have the power to regulate any and all Policies & Rules that govern the Organization. They are also responsible for any changes made to the Charter.
  • Ship Captains – The commanders of multi-crew ships, they are responsible for the maintenance cost of the ship and actions of its crew. Each Captain also makes the rules aboard his/her own ship and is responsible to anything regarded to the ships internal command structure.
  • Organization Teams – Teams are comprised out of the Organizations members. Each team consists of at least one full squadron of pilots. Members may not be a part of multiple teams but they may take the place of another teams absent member for given missions/jobs/operations. All members of the team must be the same rank as the mission/job they take as a team.
  • Members – All members of the Organization are considered equal and hold no rank over another. Your mission class rank only dictates what missions you can accept from the Organization.

Section 4.

Organization Teams

Organization members are encourage to form teams from the available members who are not currently a part of an existing team. The Teams will be rated against each other for some friendly inner-organization competition and will help determine the Teams organization standing. Teams will be limited in size but that size has yet to be determined.

  • Organization Teams – semi-permanent groups that are form to complete the various missions/jobs posted if all of their members are qualified for that missions/jobs ranking.
  • Multi-Crew Ships – Given the inherent nature of a ship’s crew working as a team each multi-crew ship will be considered a team.

Section 5.

Organization Mission Class system

The mission classification system is comprised of three levels Normal, S-Class, and SS-Class. Each classification is an exponential increase in difficulty from the level that preceded it. Every member of the Organization is required to follow it regardless of their position or the length of their membership. All members regardless of their skill will start with Normal class missions regardless of past service with another Organization. If you join our Organization you will be bound to the mission class system. In other words all members will start at the Normal Class Classification. Missions are given there rank based upon the prospective difficulty and the risk associated with said mission.

  • Normal – missions in which all standing Organization members are free to participate in provided they have the equipment to do so. This class is not without risk, so be sure you understand and prepare for the job. The intention of Normal ranked missions is to insure the safety of all Organization members, be it from themselves or the danger they pose to another squadron member during a mission.
  • S-Class – missions in which only seasoned Organization members are allowed to participate. They are considered extremely risky, and may require logistical and tactical support from multiple squads. You may experience perma-death if you are unprepared.
  • SS-Class – These are among the hardest and most difficult missions any Organization member can undertake. They will require multiple wings with full CIC and logistical support. These missions are only available to members who have completed S-Class missions.

Section 6.

Ships Policy

The Ship Policy applies to every member of the organization. It is still a work in progress and is subject to change when CIG defines game system mechanics.


  • All members who take part in a Organization missions/jobs/operations must be a part of an Organization Team unless specified.
  • Members are responsible for every round sent down range regardless of what the round impacts.
  • Every pilot is responsible for the operation and maintenance of said ship.
  • Friendly fire is unacceptable and will be dealt with harshly.


  • Members who own and operate multi-crew ships will be the Captain of said ship.
  • If the ship’s owner does not wish to be Captain of said ship, he/she will designate a Captain for a period of time during said ships operation.
  • If the ship’s owner forgoes his right of ship’s Captain he/she may not interfere with the appointed Captain nor the chain of command the appointed captain has installed upon the ship’s crew.
  • The ship’s Owner who forgoes there right as ship’s Captain is responsible for the actions of the Captain he/she placed in command.
  • Captains will be responsible for every member of the ship’s crew.
  • Captains will be responsible for the actions of the ship’s crew in which they operate.
  • No other organization member can take command of said ship without the express permission of said ship’s Captain.
  • Each Captain is responsible for installing a chain of command during the operation of said ship.
  • In the event a Captain becomes incapacitated that Captains chain of command will stay intact and be followed by the remaining crew. It is up to the Captain to designate a second in command in the event that he/she becomes incapacitated.
  • At no point will there ever be no Captain in charge of a multi-crew ship.

Section 7.

Organization Payouts

Multi-Crew Ships
Organization Operations
Organization Teams