• Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

A Space Gremlin is a creative citizen who understands the value of encouraging Others to understand that money can be remade, but life and dignity are only once.

Do you have the chops to convince others, in their own cockpit, that it is far better to pay you to go away than to fight you?


We were fed after midnight and now we’re bored.
CURRENT RECRUITMENT*: Space Gremlins is not currently recruiting as we are building the infrastructure and knowledge base to allow any newbie to be instantly successful as a Gremlin.

You are free to apply, we will keep your application on file for acceptance once the infrastructure is completed.


Who’s asking?


1. Gremlins are never malicious but they are always mischievous.

2. A gremlin will put profits above their ego.

3. A gremlin will ensure that if its not profitable it is hilarious.

4. A gremlin is polite and professional with their targets.

5. All Gremlins will answer a rally call of another Gremlin-Never leave a gremlin in the lurch.

6. If they refuse to pay with money? Make them pay in time.

7. Or sell them…with a system wide broadcast to every pirate in the verse.

8. Gremlins will know everything about their targets ships-if you can’t name the ship on site, do not attempt.

9. Gremlins know how move through any ship quickly from entrance to cockpit and all vital area’s of the ship.

10. Gremlins can target any civilian, but never another Gremlin, for mischief.

The last an final rule; money and hilarity are the priority. Gremlins do not grief, they pick a target, get on ship, get the money, and get out.