Nidaros Space Nerds / SPACENERDS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Transport

Vi er en gjeng fra Trondheim (Nidaros) som spiller casual og har ikke noen faste spilletider, siden vi har andre forpliktelser ellers i livet.

Når vi har tid, prøver vi å spille litt sammen, både industri, cargo og PvE piracy, og generelt ha det moro sammen i spillet.


We discovered that that we were a few people among friends who shared a love for this game. We hope to build an organization that can share ships and missions.


The Nidaros Space Nerds’ Manifesto

We, the nerdy space enthusiasts of Trondheim, do hereby declare our undying love for Star Citizen and all its glorious in-game loops. We solemnly swear to:
  1. Haul freight with the determination of a Viking longship, even if it means accidentally jettisoning our cargo into the nearest sun.
  2. Mine asteroids with the passion of a thousand dwarves, occasionally mistaking our own ships for valuable ore deposits.
  3. Engage in combat with the ferocity of a møøse, but apologize profusely to our opponents afterward in true Norwegian fashion.
  4. Explore the vastness of space with the curiosity of a fjord-troll discovering electricity, getting lost more often than not.
  5. Roleplay as serious space businessmen while wearing our fanciest virtual monocles and top hats.
  6. Attempt to pronounce “Aegis” and “Xi’an” correctly, failing miserably but laughing about it anyway.
  7. Spend more time customizing our ships than actually flying them, because aesthetics are important, darn it!
  8. Host impromptu dance parties in the hangar, featuring our best interpretations of zero-gravity Norwegian folk dances.
  9. Treat every quantum jump like a roller coaster ride, complete with hands in the air and gleeful screaming.
  10. Always remember that the real treasure was the friends we made along the way (and also the shiny spaceships we collected).

May our framerates be high and our ping be low. For the glory of Trondheim and beyond! Signed,

Nidaros Space Nerds
(Now, where did we park our Constellation?)


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