“Does your Insurance have a co-pilot?”
We at Triple S are here to provide superior services to freelancers and companies with services such as:
Pilot Recovery
Ship Recovery and repair
Freight Shipping and recovery
and other services Orginizations and Companies can utilize to maintain fleets
Jaxson Ronald Nelson, a driven entrepreneur, has embarked on a journey to establish SSS as a leading name in the verse. He acquired a MISC Freelancer to support his ambitions, beginning with a partnership with the Rock Hoppers organization in January 2954. His initial focus is on hauling materials for the Rock Hoppers’ mining and salvaging operations, laying the foundation for future growth. #StarCitizen #Freelancer #RockHoppers #SSS #Verse
Triple S is dedicated to providing superior services to freelancers and companies. We offer a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to keep your operations running smoothly.
Our Services:
Pilot Recovery: We ensure the safe return of your pilots in challenging situations.
Ship Recovery and Repair: We handle the recovery and repair of your vessels, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.
Freight Shipping and Recovery: We offer reliable and secure freight shipping services, with recovery options to safeguard your valuable cargo.
Triple S provides the support you need to navigate the complexities of your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can be your co-pilot in ensuring your success.
Act the part-
We here at SSS need our employees meet our costumers with professional courtesy and kindness even when dealing with not so savory characters. We provide services to all walks of life.
A service not a war machine-
SSS is not a contract security company but will be hiring at this time escort pilots for in-company security.
Integrity and honor –
SSS does not tolerate stealing within the company and if found guilty by the board the said pilot/s will be terminated possibly without notice
SSS in need of these specific skills and ship types at this time-
Freighters medium to large – general logistics and cargo recovery
Tanker ships- Fuel supply logistics
Tug/repair ships – providing recovery and repair
Fighters/warships – in company escort
- ALL SSS employees will be granted full services from SSS while employed