• PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

“Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of service and battle—those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file.”


Spectres (Special Tactics and Reconnaissance) – are agents entrusted with extraordinary authority by the Citadel Council, including the power of life and death over the inhabitants of the galaxy. They form an elite group selected from a number of different species, and their primary responsibility is to preserve galactic stability by whatever means necessary. Though they are generally considered as being above the law and have complete discretion as to the methods used to accomplish their mission, an individual’s status as a Spectre can be revoked by the Council in a case of gross misconduct. Spectres work either alone or in small groups according to the nature of a particular task and to their personal preference.


Spectres have no command structure. They answer only to the Council, and in some cases the Council prefers not to know the exact details of how a Spectre accomplishes their mission. Spectres act in any way they see fit, either with careful diplomacy or ruthless force, being officially above any law.

Candidates for the Spectres typically have years of military or law enforcement experience before even being considered.
The screening process involves background checks, psychological evaluations, and a long period of field training under an experienced mentor. Because of the rigorous selection process, Spectres might sometimes use unorthodox methods but they rarely go rogue. When it does happen, the only solution is to revoke their status, then send another Spectre after them. No one else would be up to the job.

Spectres appear to be stripped of their status once they are declared legally deceased. They have to be reinstated in once proof of living (e.g. appearing in person and passing biometric checks) is presented.


The Special Tactics and Reconnaissance branch was founded in 693 CE, shortly before the Threats began, at a time when the Council was uneasy about the unchecked expansion of the Threats into Citadel space. The Spectres were chosen from the finest Special Tasks Group operatives, intended to function partly in an observational capacity, but also as the Council’s first line of defense.