Stanton Planetary Liberation Front / SPLF

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They took our land and poisoned our ground,
Betrayed by the UEE, enslaved by the industrious dynasties we are gasping for air but still breathing.
Join the Revolution against the Four Tyrans ! Look for us in the slavers town of Lorville on Stanton I


2903: The UEE annexes Stanton system.

Toshi Aaron, Bringer of Hell.

After a long period of independant colonisation, the UEE finally hears about the mining ressources in the Stanton system and invades its space.
Offered UEE citizenship and asked to leave their homes and relocate in other systems, a lot of Stantonians left for a long exile.
Those who didn’t created the Stanton Planetary Liberation Front.
Based on Stanton I, the SPLF role was to “ Coordinate & Combine “ the resistance on the four planets.
First peacefully, they protested against the fascist regime of the Empire, they said was “ Here only in taxes and oppression “.

2906: The Four Tyrans buy their crown.

After an intense lobbying and by exploiting the Empire’s economic crisis, the 4 majors corporations ( ArCorp, Hurston Dynamics, Crusader Inudstries & microTech ) manage to get their hands on the four Stanton planets.

Since then, they have been ruling those worlds brutally, hunting down partisans and enslaving our people for their sacred benefit.
The Stanton Planetary Liberation Front has been decimated and its survivors are forced to move constantly and witness the increasing damages the invaders are doing to their homeland.


They are building castles and making millions while killing everything that lives around them and enslaving Stantonians.
This madness needs to stop !
Before it is too late, we call upon all Stantonians and UEE sympathizers, in Stanton and abroad, to help us and join the struggle for the Revolution.
We may be bad equipped, poors and out of breath, as long as they are Stantonians oppressed by these vicious invaders, we need to keep on fighting in any way we can.
They are not alone and they should know it.

The Stanton Planetary Liberation Front is at war with the Four Tyrans.
While hostile towards the UEE fascist regime, the SPLF doesn’t challenge its authority in the Stanton system.

The SPLF members have been given authorithy by the survivors of the provisory government of the Republics of Stanton System in exile (RSS) to :
  • Investigate and report on the enslaving crimes commited in our homelands.
  • Enforce an embargo in the Stanton planets atmosphere.
  • Attack enemy forces at the Tyrans castles perimeter gates.
  • Disrupt the Tyran’s allied organizations activities on our soils.
  • Establish diplomatic relations with friendly organizations.
  • Fight the Hurston Security Service fascist organisation in their private crusade against our populations.
  • Find and document safe places on Stanton I, II, III & IV for our people.


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