The Flying Bastards / SQDBASICS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Scouting

Welcome to the Star Citizen wing of the Squad clans cb and TacTrig! We value good gameplay through communication, teamwork, and coordination. We’re a bunch of idiots that love flying and blowing things up; come check us out at!


The original core of the Flying Bastards has been playing together in some form since 2947, or in some cases even earlier. In 2950 A few members got their spacewings and began to explore the ‘verse together; since then, we have added more friends from other clans in our network of alliances to create a combat and exploration-focused org that is casual, but still intent on combining teamwork and communication to create fun and engaging play sessions. As Star Citizen evolves into a game with deeper and more engaging mechanics we are looking forward to growing our core of regulars into a competent and positive wing of mercenaries who are capable fighters in the air and on the ground.


We’re here to Privateer. This org is dedicated to PvPvE combat, whether it’s in the skies or on the ground. We do not require formal practice attendance or impose hours mandates for our members! Instead, we expect everyone to be willing teammates and communicators who enjoy the game through striving towards competent gameplay as a hobby. As such all are welcome to join this group, but you will get the most out of your time here by getting to know your fellow operators and choosing to unite with each other over the things we hold in common, not those which drive us apart.

The ‘verse is a dangerous place full of many hostile elements, and we find that there is ample opportunity for reward and adventure hiring our guns out to the lawful (or, sometimes, lawful-adjacent) side of the UEE. We don’t know all of what the future of this game holds, but we do know that there will be plenty of Orgs and Guilds looking for competent and friendly shooters as an ally. That is the niche we intend to help fill through ground operations, multicrew ships, and fighter combat. All pirates (especially their goods) are fair game!


1. Be a good teammate
2. Cover your wingman
3. Communication and coordination win the day over individual skill
4. Fly casual, but not too casual
5. It’s just a game, irl comes first