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Seraph / SRPH

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Seraph is a counter-piracy organization dedicated to cleansing the stars of all that would harm innocents. If killing reds while working with a dedicated and tight knit team is your thing, we have a place for you here.

This organization is a member of the Allied Security Council


Seraph was founded in 2049 as a counter-piracy initiative to serve and protect those from Terra to the edge of known space. Since that time we have worked to defeat pirates and preserve freedom, securing a future for all Star Citizens.



Seraph is built on a foundation of counter-piracy and hunting down those intent on harming others throughout the stars. If you’re an adept fighter pilot or expert marksman that wants to have an impact on making the verse a safer place, join our security division today!


COUNTER-PIRACY AND SECURITY OPERATIVE – Most counter-piracy operations happen with little to no notice. A Seraph operative is expected to move quickly and without hesitation to terminate terrorists and other piracy activity. Day to day life involves creatively hunting and dispatching targets in the form of bounty hunting. Larger operations range from breaching and boarding hostile vessels to clearing well defended installations via EVA and ground operations.

FIGHTER PILOT – Throughout the galaxy, our most challenging threats come in the form of pirate fighters adept in brutal efficiency. Seraph aims to match and exceed these threats to maintain fighter superiority in the sky and stars above. Seraph fighter teams typically operate the Aegis Gladius as our primary light fighter, but we welcome adept pilots from many other spacecraft. If you have lightning reflexes and excellent spatial awareness, join us to keep the skies safe in Stanton and beyond.

DROPSHIP PILOTS – Moving our operators safely to and from combat and operation zones is no easy tasks. It takes a steady hand and a sense of strategy to help our team complete their missions and securely bring them back alive.

MEDIC – Details To Be Announced at a later date.

Seraph’s Astra Division is not for the delicate. Exploration in Star Citizen is a mind numbing and often fruitless effort. For those hardcore few willing to brave the expanse of vast nothingness in search of rare but beautiful sights, our exploration division welcomes you.


EXPLORATION PILOT – Space can be a dangerous and unforgiving place, and it takes hardened and unflinching pilots to brave the kind of dangerous terrain and weather our teams may come across.

EXPLORATION CREW – Seraph is looking for aspiring scientists and crew to analyze our findings and map points of interest. From plotting coordinates on distant moons to unloading and operating rovers and speeder bikes, we have plenty of demand for hard working crew looking to adventure through the stars.

Seraph’s Industrial Division is looking for specialists in Transportation, Logistics, Mining, Repair, Refueling, and Salvage. Without adequate production, our mission to fund the best equipment and ship components simply isn’t possible. Partnered with our Security Division, Seraph Industry offers a secure way to earn credits to both fuel our journey and gain personal wealth.


DRAKE CATERPILLAR PILOT – Widely accepted to be the most effective cargo transport in the verse at this time, Seraph operates a growing fleet of Drake Caterpillars to move cargo and exponentially increase wealth. If you have a Cat’ and are looking to run cargo with a little extra security, we would love to have you be a part of our team.

DRAKE CATERPILLAR CREW – You don’t have to have a several million-credit starship to make an impact. Our pilots are always looking for gunners and crew to help maintain a safe passage for valuable cargo.

MISC FREELANCER PILOT – Looking to run a little lighter, but still make hundreds of thousands of credits? We’re looking for Freelancer MAX pilots and crew to assist in securing funds for our fighter loadouts.


Seraph Code of Conduct
1. Avoid racism, sexism, bigotry and hate speech in any form. Keep an open mind when it comes to others.
2. Respect your comrades and to some degree others in game. Refrain from making personal attacks or insults.
3. Debate is encouraged to determine our best course of action. Keep it civil and productive. Avoid interruption mid-operation.
4. Individually and within our organization, operate to obstruct and destroy pirates and their operational capacity whenever possible. These are our standing/general orders.
5. Do not leave your comrades behind. We win together or die together. This means to avoid retreating unless directed to for operational victory, and to die before surrendering to opposing forces.
6. Use your best judgement and work to achieve victory in all that you do.
7. Always work to preserve Seraph members and their operational capacity. We cannot continue to protect if we lack the force to do so.
(Seraph Code of Conduct is subject to change to keep the organization adaptable and a better place for all of its members.)